11-Day Chakra Challenge

Grandma’s Grimoire
24 min readFeb 19, 2024


You don’t need anything special to do this chakra challenge other than a sincere desire to make positive changes in your life! Scroll to the bottom of this article for tips for success, and then get started!

Day 1: Root Chakra (Muladhara) — Establishing Your Foundation

The Root Chakra, located at the base of your spine, represents your foundation, stability, and sense of being grounded. On this first day, we’ll focus on nurturing and strengthening this vital energy center, laying the groundwork for the days to come.

Mantra: “I am grounded, secure, and deeply connected to the Earth.”

This mantra affirms the qualities associated with a balanced and healthy Root Chakra. It emphasizes a strong connection to the Earth, a sense of security in one’s place in the world, and a foundation of stability upon which the rest of the chakras can flourish. By repeating this mantra during meditation or throughout the day, you reinforce these qualities within yourself, helping to balance and activate the Root Chakra.

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