Grandstand Staff
Grandstand Central
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018


At Grandstand Central, we’re always looking for unique, charming, thought-provoking dissidents to join our merry little band of misfits. If you’re the kind of person who can’t seem to ‘stick to sports’, and are constantly bored by the same-old formulaic approach to the games we love, we might just be the place for you.

Who we are:

Our mission at GSC is to tell the sports stories nobody else is telling, and deliver sports coverage for thinking fans. We do it by looking at the intersection of sports with politics, money, culture, tech, mental health, religion, sexuality, and science. You know, all the fun stuff.

What we’re looking for:

We believe in drafting the best available players over drafting for positional need. That being said, we are looking to bring on some strong voices with expertise in the following areas:

Sports + Mental Health

Sports + Futurism/Tech

Sports + Economics

What GSC can do for you:

  • We won’t force you to create a slideshow counting down the ‘17 Best Times LeBron Wore a Fedora’.
  • We won’t force you to turn ‘Bautista is starting tonight for the Mets’ into a 500-word clickbait-thought-piece on the etymology of the word ‘starting’, just to hit your churn quota.
  • We won’t lie and say there are sexy paid positions at the end of the rainbow, only to hand you a box of Lucky Charms when your time is up and tell you to piss off and enjoy the marshmallows. Full disclosure: there are no paid roles.
  • We won’t assign you game recaps, box score summaries, or useless newsy pieces that immediately become irrelevant.
  • We won’t let you publish something you’re not proud of.

What GSC can’t do for you:

  • Offer a ‘network of over 2000 writers’ because A) Dunbar said a human can only maintain 150 stable relationships anyways, and B) A network of 2000 writers sounds less like a thriving community and more like an assembly line of headline optimizers.
  • Allow your work to go live without a thorough review from our editors.
  • Help you bleed-out your enemies and feast on their bone marrow (Those are the other guys).

If you’re still reading this, and want to contribute to GSC, send us a writing sample proving you know how to make words good, along with three pitches for possible pieces. Pitches should adhere to the following format:

  • The Headline.
  • 1–2 sentences explaining the angle.
  • 1–2 sentences of any necessary background information/context.

Submit your application to

  • All applicants will be subjected to a thorough Twitter audit, which consists of us scrubbing your past tweets for phrases like ‘she should make me a sandwich’ or RTs of Barstool content. If the number of such social engagements is >0, applicants will be disqualified immediately.

