[May 4— Explanation for the Addition of RedSoul In-App Purchases]

Granny’s House Online [Official]
1 min readMay 4, 2022

Dear Survivors,

This is the Granny’s House Development Team.

Now RedSouls can be conveniently obtained through in-app purchase options.

The RedSoul in-app purchases have a bonus amount that reflects the market price in order to regulate the circulation of RedSouls. There is also a purchase halt feature safety measure set in place when a certain amount of RedSouls have been sold.

The amount of RedSouls sold will not exceed the amount of RedSouls that are exchanged into the game through SuperSoul exchange. The amount of SuperSouls in ratio to the RedSouls sold will regularly be burned from the operational funds.

A portion of the profits from RedSoul sales will be used to purchase SuperSouls. We hope this measure will ensure the stability of the market price of SuperSouls.

We would like to reassure you that we will be managing the circulation of SuperSouls, so it will not overflow and negatively affect the market value of RedSouls and SuperSouls.

If you have any feedback or concerns, please contact our Game Support.
Link to Game Support: https://bit.ly/supercat_cs

Thank you.

