10 Signs You’re Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

Holly Zink
Grapevine Gossip
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2022
is my boyfriend cheating

Have a gut feeling something is off in your relationship. Find yourself asking, Is my boyfriend cheating on me? Likely your gut is right that there is something your boyfriend is hiding from you. However, we warn you that it is not always cheating, it could be a secret or surprise.

To see if your boyfriend is cheating, we discuss the red flags of cheating and how to know if your boyfriend is cheating on you.

10 Warning Signs of a Cheating Boyfriend

  • Being secretive about his phone use and who’s is talking with.
  • Constantly “working late”.
  • Makes excuses to not spend quality time with you.
  • Has a “work wife” he often refers to.
  • You catch him in several lies.
  • He is more concerned about his appearance than before.
  • He buys you gifts for no reason.
  • Finds reasons to argue with you and nitpick your relationship.
  • Stops complimenting you and saying “I love you.”
  • He starts trying new moves in bed and being more adventurous.

How To Uncover His Cheating Ways

If you believe your boyfriend is cheating, here are some surefire ways to catch him cheating.

  • Snoop through his things for evidence of cheating.
  • Ask his friends and family about his changed behavior.
  • Check on his whereabouts every so often.
  • Snoop through his phone for sexts, dating apps, and explicit photos & videos.
  • Search phone numbers he’s calling and texting on ClickSearch.
  • Hire a private investigator.
  • See if anyone has been constantly liking and commenting on his social media posts.

Things To Remember For Confronting Your Boyfriend

He May Not Be Cheating

As we said, his suspicious behavior may not be because of cheating. Some of the causes could be:

  • He is hiding something from you.
  • He is planning a surprise party or vacation.
  • He is having problems at work that are affecting his behavior.
  • He is having doubts about your relationship.

Don’t Outright Accuse Him of Cheating Unless You Know For Sure

Compose your thoughts before confronting your boyfriend. Did you find actual evidence of him cheating or are you just suspicious? If you don’t have foolproof evidence of him cheating, don’t plan on outright accusing him when confronting you. Plan out what you are going to say to him.

Evaluate Your Relationship

Before speaking with your boyfriend, ask yourself — Are you happy in this relationship? If you believe this relationship is worth saving and you are committed to it, be in this mindset when confronting him. No matter if he is or isn’t cheating on you, tell him you want to make the relationship work.

Hopefully, your boyfriend isn’t cheating on you but be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Do what you can to express your feelings and concerns with your boyfriend and hope he cares for you as well.



Holly Zink
Grapevine Gossip

I am a Digital Marketing Associate for The Powerline Group and writer for Digital Addicts.