We wish you a peaceful and happy new year! This graph image is generated from The Emoji Graph.

2015 year in review for Graph Commons

Burak Arikan
Graph Commons


2015 was a year of great new beginnings for Graph Commons and for our mission to provide an open network mapping platform, so that everyone can collectively involve in the act of mapping networks as an ongoing practice.

This post was originally posted in the Graph Commons Journal.

Here is our progress in 2015:


After six months of development, the new version of Graph Commons released on May 28th 2015 and witnessed a momentum of interest from people with varying interests, backgrounds and skill sets.




  • Force Atlas 2 layout feature released to provide better organization of large graphs.
  • Graph Commons API alpha version released.
  • Mobile view of graphs improved.





  • Workshop at The Brown Institute, Columbia Journalism School (view documentation).
  • Networks of Dispossession project’s large prints and touch screen maps featured in the exhibition at MAXXI Museum in Rome.
  • Better Filters released, enabling graph authors to compose their custom filters depending on the graph context.
  • Node embed released for publishers to embed information cards in their publications.
  • iklimadaleti.org, new journal on ecological justice, launched using graph embeds and node embeds.
  • Better site wide search released (Elastic Search), so you can search among all public graphs, nodes, and members on Graph Commons.

Coming up in January 2016…

Thank you everyone for your great support and encouragement. We will continue to provide an ever-growing connected knowledge base and support a network-literate community flourishing around it.

We wish you a peaceful and happy new year!

