Design Thinking for Blockchains Workshop

Understand the fundamentals of blockchain technology and explore its radical potential for new opportunities. Sunday, March 4, New Lab, Brooklyn, NY

Graph Commons
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018


One-day workshop, co-hosted by Graph Commons and Project Interactions, on creative and critical use of blockchain technology and what it means for entrepreneurial minds, curious investors, and creators. How do blockchains actually work to achieve decentralization? How do smart contracts enable new generation of applications beyond digital money exchange? How do we think and build creatively to explore new opportunities in a world after decentralization?

Register for the workshop here (limited seats):

The workshop will be conducted in three parts:

  1. Understand — We will start with a lecture introducing the core blockchain ideas through step-by-step visual explanations and real-world examples. We will provide interactive tools for participants to reinforce their understanding of complex concepts.
  2. Create — We will divide into smaller groups and facilitate a rapid deep-dive into selected domains to extract insights and identify decentralization opportunities. We will utilize hands-on design thinking methods including user/stakeholder analysis, network modelling, journey mapping, and brainstorming.
  3. Present & Discuss — We will conclude with each group presenting their work, feedback from facilitators and discussion with all participants.

Topics include:

  • Principles of Decentralization
  • Digital Signatures
  • Cryptographic Hash Functions
  • Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Proof of Work
  • Mining / Validation
  • Consensus Mechanisms
  • Incentive Models
  • Network Effects
  • Smart Contracts

* No programming or prior blockchain experience required.
* Morning coffee and lunch will be available.

Who should attend

  • Entrepreneurial minds, who think beyond the hype and are interested in building a systemic perspective to start projects or organizations in their domains.
  • Curious investors, who would like to build a foundational understanding of crypto assets beyond stock market dynamics to inform their investment aspirations.
  • Creative technologists, designers, developers, and hackers who are looking for a well-grounded starting point to get their hands dirty.

What will you learn

We designed the workshop to help participants establish a strong foundation, a creative perspective, and practical methods. After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify the implications of decentralization that are most relevant to you.
  • Hypothesize the impact of blockchains on your life, expertise, and business domain in an informed way.
  • Apply hands-on design thinking methods to model and analyze decentralized systems.
  • See through the hype/noise around blockchains and learn to process upcoming innovations.
  • Walk through the steps for envisioning a new crypto asset / blockchain application.


The workshop will take place in New Lab, a creative technology hub in Brooklyn Navy Yard, whose residents include entrepreneurs in AI, connected devices, nanotechnology, robotics, urban tech, and more.

Design Thinking for Blockchains Workshop
Sunday, March 4th, 2018
New Lab, Brooklyn, NY

Register for the workshop here (limited seats):

We’d love to hear your feedback, let us know if you have any questions or comments at



Graph Commons

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