Web3 beyond Visual Visages!

Gokul B Alex
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2021

Historically web3 has been touted as read — write — execute web. It is quite a reductionist representation of the reality around the world wide web.

React — Write — Execute Web is just a paradigm positioning internet with the text and image centered information systems of past and present. Textual web is indeed an interesting information network. Image integrated web is indeed an interesting framework.

However, our life is not just text or image alone. It is a wider web than just a text. A radical web has to be realistic, recurrent, recursive and rotational reflecting the rational workflows of life! When we think about real, the immediate notion that comes to our mind is virtual reality.

Even the most primitive notion of semantic web has to acknowledge the fact that the meanings in web are not just derived from the quantum of text and images that we create, circulate and consume. Text and image are just the media formats. The real web is the real workflow around the constructs and convergence of internet.



Gokul B Alex

Poetic Past. Digital Present. Ephemeral Future.