GraphGrail Ai Receives High Ratings

TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

The GraphGrail Ai project has received high ratings and praise for its innovative idea and implementation from the and rating resources.

The ICORanker resource has granted the GraphGrail Ai project an astounding 93/100 rating rank, marking it as a Gold level ICO. The project has received a rank of 90 on its Team criteria, 95 for ICO Feasibility and 95 for Product rating. Such results from such a prominent rating resource as ICORanker are ample proof of the prospects that GraphGrail Ai holds both as a blockchain instrument platform and as valuable token additions to investor portfolios.

The Foundico resource has also highly praised GraphGrail Ai by granting it an overall 7.6/10 rating. The rank was based on five criteria on a 10 unit scale. GraphGrail Ai received 8.5 for Main Info, 7.5 for Finance, a solid 10 for Product, 7.3 for Team and 4.9 for Marketing. The availability of funds for more aggressive marketing and advertising has played a major role in downgrading the overall score, though the perfect score of 10 in the Product criteria is infallible proof that the GraphGrail Ai project is bound for success on its market placement and product offering leading to inevitable market demand.

The high ratings granted to the project are encouraging both for the team working hard on platform development and for potential investors as GraphGrail Ai launches its TGE with a working product on hand.

GraphGrail Ai is an innovative project that applies and develops innovative technologies to solve everyday problems and facilitate life for millions of people.

As the project steams along its roadmap and more landmarks lie ahead, stay tuned for more news and updates from GraphGrail Ai.



TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI

GraphGrail Ai — is the Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain built on top of Natural Language Understanding technology with the DApps marketplace.