More GraphGrail Ai Listings

TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI
Published in
1 min readMar 5, 2018

The GraphGrail Ai project has been listed on four major listings and has received overwhelmingly positive reviews on its idea and implementation.

GraphGrail Ai has received listing on Cryptocompare along with TokenMarket, and CoinNinja. In addition, the project has been listed on TrackICO, which has noted GraphGrail Ai with a praising comment “Milestones accurately inform about ICO achievements and goals, Description is accurate and informative, ICO whitepaper provided.”

The project team continues working on platform development and is putting significant efforts into marketing the promising project.

Stay tuned for more news and updates from the GraphGrail Ai project and share them with your friends. We would like to remind you of our Referral Program and invite you to take part in our Token Sale. Hurry to take advantage of the highest offered bonuses.



TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI

GraphGrail Ai — is the Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain built on top of Natural Language Understanding technology with the DApps marketplace.