Progress Made by the Blockchain Project GraphGrail AI in the Last 2 Months

TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI
Published in
7 min readJan 10, 2018

In recent months, GraphGrail AI has worked intensively on two main fronts: strengthening the team and developing key cases.

In the process of work, the team focused on three main cases, which will be completed before the launch of the main ICO event in February.

The first case is monitoring urban problems, the main value of which resides in informing authorities about acute urban issues (flooding, housing and public services disruptions, lack of manholes, strikes of dissatisfied co-investors, etc.). The system works on the anticipation principle, allowing monitoring city problems in social networks as they emerge and solving them promptly. The system reports of an emerging issue and notifies the city administration before the issue develops further. Currently, in such cases, authorities are informed of facts, when the media releases reports. The system works as intelligence for future events as opposed to modern methods, which deal with events that have come to pass and are history, rather than intelligence.

To solve these problems, so called design-engineered user interaction interface applications were developed from scratch. The latter include such section pages as “my projects” and “create a project”, where the user can choose what they want to analyze in particular. In the given case, problems relevant to the city have been selected. Accordingly, a section page was also designed, where the user can determine keywords and stop words (words omitted from the text slated for analysis). With the help of such a monitoring system, it is possible to combine specific issues, compiling them from different word sets. This allows the swift detection of arising issues. A source selection page has also been designed for media resources, such as VKontakte, etc. A final results page is also present, where users of the system will be able to see what messages have been found and in what timeframe, filter messages on irrelevant issues and obtain final results. The system can periodically send e-mail notifications of selected issues, thus allowing for the resolution of the ultimate task of anticipating potential urban issues and developing according solutions.

экран сервисов

The second case, which the team has significantly focused on, is the case of the smart chat bot (preliminarily named “MUCH”). The chat bot can sell products, and its main distinction from regular chat bots is that it really is smart. It is able to usher the user to the sale stage better and more efficiently than regular chat bots. Within the framework of this case, the team is in the process of finalizing the algorithm of user interaction and integration of system components related to the chat-bot and to the GraphGrail AI. There will be an increase in the percentage of successful sales as the chat-bot will provide interfaces to end users, such as online stores, and small and medium businesses, which receive multiple similar questions at the initial input stage. Such a chat-bot frees people from answering comparable questions, as the solution is formulated by language components, which include the classification of requests (questions and answers that the user poses to the chat-bot), and the relevance of proposals (questions). Thus, the GraphGrail AI completely solves the issue of linguistic complications, classifications, determination of relevance, and use of algorithms, such as LDA.

Project creation process

The work script of the GraphGrail AI and MUCH bundle is the following — a user poses a question to the smart chat bot, the smart chat system segments the questions, referring via the API to the GraphGrail AI, which in turn completely solves all language issues and provides the chat with a ready-made answer that the chat integrates into its system and implements.

The following case was designed for video hosting owners. Such users are interested, above all, in the popularity of videos within a current timeframe. This is necessary to ensure a balance of various video topics on video hostings, ensuring the owner gains earnings from sales of advertisements on these videos. To solve this issue, the GraphGrail AI comes to the rescue by providing interfaces that allow the compilation of final solutions for video segmentation by topic, based on textual headlines. Thus, information is provided on more popular topics, both on proprietary video hostings and the hostings of competitors. A possible imbalance is thus identified for certain topics, helping to adjust the media policy of proprietary resources, and thereby increasing profitability.

Project creation process

The project has also significantly strengthened its team. A team-lead approach has been implemented. Team-leading is a necessary and key link in the hierarchy of software development management, represented by a person responsible for solving technical problems. Previously, these duties were performed by the project founder. The team-lead in the GraphGrail AI team is experienced enough to set tasks for developers, manage and monitor the execution of tasks, design the information architecture of the system, including the GraphGrail AI architecture, and build such a modular architecture that provides independent connection of various types of businesses, so each kind of business can build their applications on the platform. The team was strengthened by a journalist, whose tasks include writing articles and publishing them on media resources under favorable terms. This will provide the project with media coverage for three main audiences: AI and NLP specialists, investors, and crypto-enthusiasts. This work will be systematic, which will allow the team to be fully prepared for the main ICO. Comprehensive coverage of the project in the media will allow more people to understand the final product better. The staff has also been bolstered by an HR specialist with extensive experience in the IT field. Currently, search and recruitment of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence is underway, including rare specialists in Python language programming, as well as front-end and back-end developers.

Linguistic model setup

Also, the team is actively searching for advisors from two main target audiences: the blockchain and Artificial Intelligence sectors. The search process includes discussions of conditions, involvement in the project, as well as specific actions, such as chats, calls, assistance in project positioning, help in entering certain market segments etc. The team is ready to pay such advisors in project tokens. The team is also negotiating with a prominent specialist who had headed the department of Artificial Intelligence at Huawei. A separate type of activity at present is the incorporation of the project. Negotiations were held with several companies that resulted in the selection of a company, which will ensure incorporation. The choice of jurisdiction has also been made in terms of parameters and conditions necessary for opening a bank account, vital from the point of view of ensuring security and withdrawal of funds, as well as their legal disposal on the territory of the Russian Federation. All the documentation needed to incorporate the project will be required for entry onto exchanges (placement of GAI Tokens on the exchange).

The legal end of the project has been secured by the conclusion of an agreement with a Ukraine-based legal company, which will be responsible for preparing Legal Opinions, Terms and Conditions and other necessary documentation. Registration will be concluded in BVI.

The team has also set goals for the following months:

1- Trips to conferences with speeches have been planned, tentatively in late December — early January, including foreign events (China, South Korea, Malaysia and possibly Europe);

2- Conclusion of work on cases has been determined as a top priority in order to enter the ICO stage with a finished product, which will be both modular and capable of solving all client-set tasks.

The given actions shall ensure significant collections at the ICO, especially as the market is rapidly changing and the number of ICOs is at 5070 per month. In order for the GraphGrail AI project to take a very advantageous position, it is necessary to have prominent advisors and a finished product. This, in turn, will promote the project and will testify that the project is demanded on the market, that its business model works and it is reliable for investment, which will eventually lead to an increase in the price of the GAI Token on the market. Thus, the team will ensure the interests of investors contributing to the project at early stages.

_________________________________________________________________ — official website of GraphGrailAi (engl / rus) is the official Telegram channel where the team posts news, as well as notifications on actions that need to be taken to reach the ICO stage.

Author: Maria Tarasova



TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI

GraphGrail Ai — is the Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain built on top of Natural Language Understanding technology with the DApps marketplace.