Week 5. Novelties: Onepager and the Telegram bot application.(29.01.18–04.02.18)

TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2018

Last week, the GraphGrail Ai team created a Onepager and developed the idea of ​​a Telegram bot for marking up text data.

The team has continued working on finalizing the Whitepaper, the final layout of the blocks was completed, the volume was reduced and handed over for translation. At the time of writing, the Whitepaper has already been translated. The Whitepaper also served as the basis for the so-called Onepager. It is a six-page slide document containing the essence of the Whitepaper briefly and concisely — the problems, solutions, cases, advantages, team and conditions of the TGE.

The redesign of the site continues as the final version is being approved and the concept corrected. Animation, branding and logical transitions between semantic blocks will be added as well. The new design will also have a built-in demo version of GraphGrail Ai in the form of blocks and drag-n-drop (a working interface of markup and designer features), which will be available for testing, including on a token basis.

In addition, GraphGrail Ai has ordered a video about the project, which is already in the works. A small, red robot was chosen as the mascot of the video. In addition, the script, the visual part and the voiceover text have already been agreed upon.

Interviews. A meeting with two data-science specialists has been scheduled. The specialists have completed their final task and have already started working on tasks related to the project.

Development. A Telegram bot for marking text data (in addition to the web interface) is currently under development. The bot will be implemented as an application. Currently, the team is preparing markup data for this smart chat case and is formulating tasks for data-science professionals.

The next release is not far away!



TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI

GraphGrail Ai — is the Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain built on top of Natural Language Understanding technology with the DApps marketplace.