TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2018


Weekly results of the team GraphGrail Ai

With regular periodicity, the GraphGrail Ai Team will cover the results of its activities. We present to your attention the first report in 2018.

1st of January to 14th of January

In the first two weeks of 2018, the GraphGrail Ai Team was engaged in strengthening the development department. Many interviews were conducted on different directions. The most difficult task was finding Python developers and data scientists. The difficulty lies in the fact that, as a rule, people know either Python or understand the algorithms of language analysis, but finding in one person knowledge of both directions is extremely rare.

Every day, 1–2 interviews took place, of which 4 developers were auditioned for Ai data science (who have experience in programming in Python). Also there were 4 interviews of PHP-developers conducted by the teamlead. As a result, the team was strengthened by a data science specialist who immediately began to solve the following tasks in Python on semantic proximity and aspects of positive and negative analysis, which will be used to identify objections in smart chats. The team was also strengthened by PHP frontend and backend by programmers. As a result, the development of the architecture of the language components of GraphGrail Ai will be accelerated.

Also, the team redesigned and added material to the Whitepaper. The scheme for the distribution of Tokens was changed, the structure of the Whitepaper was discussed in detail, the business part, the section of the economy of Tokens, as well as the technical and innovation part was substantially supplemented. In addition, the Laboratory of Advanced Studies in Mathematical Linguistics was described for the first time. The latter describes the advantages of the project in relation to other competitive projects in various categories, for example, the aspect of the convenience of working with the platform (visual designer, a set of language components). The parameter of functionality when working with text, the section of blockchain and the economy of Tokens, honesty and transparency of platform use, high quality in data processing, the aspect of costs, the aspect of integration with external businesses (the integration process will be better and more convenient) were all discussed.

The Whitepaper section on “Market Analysis” has also been supplemented. It describes the current state of the market, in particular, the chat bots market, the language classification analysis market and points to problems, such as the problem of monopolization of the market (seizure of the market by large companies with accumulated datasets).

15th of January to 21st of January

During this week, the GraphGrail Ai Team was engaged in interviews with developers of artificial intelligence. They were both ordinary developers who need to implement algorithms and candidates for teamleads for developers who already have a lot of experience in artificial intelligence to manage a team of developers, set tasks, advise and help on problems that arise when teaching a neural network .

Also, the team was engaged in the redesign of the website in terms of its structure (blocks about the project, cases and missing sections, for example, how the smart contracts work), the design of site icons that must be simultaneously related to the style of the site, the artificial intellect and the ICO.

The first part of the interview with the leader of GraphGrail Ai, Viktor Nosko, was recorded. The interview took place in the Kust studio (Tabachka, Rostov-on-Don). The shooting took place on three cameras with specially exposed light. Victor answered questions such as “How did the project start?”, “Why do you want to be like Ilon Musk?”, “How will the project develop in the future?”, “What will happen if Artificial Intelligence develops to such a level that it will enslave humanity?”. Victor’s answers to the questions and interviews will be presented in the video, which is currently being mounted.

On Sunday, January 21, Victor performed at the crypto conference “Blockchains & Cryptocurrencies 101” in Rostov-on-Don. The leader of GraphGrail Ai took part in the conference for the third time, but for the first time told about the product in detail, demonstrated case studies, a smart contract scheme responsible for intellectual property, for data marking and trade transparency at the Marketplace. The Founder also told about application cases for the platform, such as smart chats, monitoring, also about the results achieved from the moment of the presale (3 months), strengthening of the team, legal issues and answered many questions.

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TGE GraphGrail Ai
Graph Grail AI

GraphGrail Ai — is the Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain built on top of Natural Language Understanding technology with the DApps marketplace.