Fifteen Years & Legacy

Brandon Moore
Graphic Language
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2023


Is fifteen years a long time? What about fifteen years in a career? Because that’s how long I’ve been a professional Designer and it feels like it’s gone by in a flash.

In that time, I’ve met loads of people who do what I do or similar enough things, and have become friends with quite a few of them. Many I crossed paths with early on; we’ve spent 10 years or more in the creative world simultaneously. Our lives and careers intersect at a time where not only have we spent a decade plus in parallel but in all likeliness have multiple more decades ahead together.

I hope we do. I feel lucky to be part of this time and contributing a nugget or two to Graphic Design history circa 2009-present. I’m inspired by many people doing the same. I enjoy seeing what they are doing in their work about as much as I enjoy doing my own. It’s motivating to see them elevate their skills, have creative breakthroughs, score the biggest clients, take new jobs, start agencies, get shredded in the Brand New comments section, experience big life events, and so forth.

I do wish IRL (in real life) interactions happened more often, though. Design conferences are fun because it's a lot of energy in a short time and that becomes a moveable feast for a while. But I imagine being around people of your own ilk more than once a year or two (or 5 years in my case) is healthier. I wonder what a conference might be like in 2055. I’ll be 70. Probably still without any Design awards! (I’m not paying for it). What might some of us who have been friends and acquaintances for 45 years talk about? How many of us will still be creating if we are lucky to make it that far? How will people in the future talk about us if we are lucky enough to be remembered?

It also makes me realize to try and not piss any more people off because we might be doing this for a long time to come.

There’s no more point to this other than to say that I’m inspired by and humbled to be a small part of Graphic Design in 2023, thankful for the relationships I’ve made, and hope that continues for a long time to come.

