
Brandon Moore
Graphic Language
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2023


A common term used to describe Graphic Design is “warmth”. What’s the deal with that? How can Design be warm? Can Design be cold too?

When I hear warmth used in a Design context, I'm reminded of guitar effects and pedals. The only thing you need to know about those, if you're unfamiliar, is that there are 2 kinds of delay effects— analog and digital. Digital delay produces a repeat of a note with clear perfection until it fades out. Analog does the same but the repeats have variations; a wobble to the note. You might then guess that it is the analog delays that are commonly referred to as being warm.

So, what is it about imperfection that is akin to warmth and how does that apply visually? Imperfection is natural. It’s comfortable, cozy even. Design that is not warm is likely to be described as corporate, lifeless, sterile, slick, or digital.

Making cold Design warmer can come by rounding sharp corners, warping edges, and adding texture. I think if it looks nice to touch, then it probably has warmth. Is that better or worse than sharp perfection? Like delay pedals, the right choice for any given piece depends on multiple factors. Generally, I do believe people prefer things that have warmth.

