Birthday Week: Mutual Support

Benjie Gillam
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2019

This week we’re celebrating the 1 year anniversary of our incorporation; each day we’re celebrating something, culminating with having a PostGraphile stall at FOSDEM in Brussels on Saturday and Sunday — do swing by if you’re in the area!

I’m excited to announce PostGraphile now offers professional support contracts.

We can help you get started with PostGraphile, give you tailored advice when you need it, help fix performance issues, and give priority support on any issues you face whilst using PostGraphile. And the best thing is that while we’re supporting you, you’re supporting our continued open source work on PostGraphile! You can read more about our support offering here:

We’ve been trialing this support offering for the last couple months with the fine folks over at, and in just one 30 minute phone call managed to save them days of work thanks to some significant performance optimisations to their security infrastructure. We’ve also shared relevant knowledge and experience to help the team form a bespoke set of best practices to guide their developers. Demian Martinez from Learnlight says:

We manage a web platform providing language and skills learning services to over 100k users worldwide. We wanted a GraphQL API server based on a PostgreSQL backend, and to focus on writing business code instead of data mapping, conversion and plumbing.

After almost a year of explorations and tests, we settled on PostGraphile to power our new platform. PostGraphile now replaces the entire API server and saves us from having to manually create GraphQL schemas, resolvers and connectors that add no value but take time, effort and bugs. This means faster prototyping and shorter sprints.

Benjie provides outstanding professional support and will even develop bespoke extensions—if you are going to bet the future of your platform on PostGraphile, becoming a professional customer is the first thing you should do.

Why professional support?

At Graphile we love open source because it means people can use our software in amazing places and interesting ways, can share their learnings with others, and can even contribute back features, fixes and documentation — it reduces the barrier to entry, and engenders trust and community.

For development on an open source project to be sustainable, there needs to be a source of income so the developers can continue to pay their mortgages, feed their kids, and once in a while take some well-earned time off. The absolute best way to support PostGraphile’s ongoing development efforts, the most bang-for-your-buck as it were, is to become a Patreon sponsor. Crowd-sourced funding enables us to spend the most time directly working on improving PostGraphile, which you and other PostGraphile users then benefit from.

Sometimes, however, you need something from us — some advice, to validate a potential bug, help figuring out how to achieve some goal — and you’ve got time pressures. This is where open source can fall down — no reasonable human would expect a stranger to help their business earn money on a tight deadline without some quid pro quo. This is where professional support comes in — it gives you guarantees that you’ll get a response to your issue in a timely fashion, and it gives us a steady income that we can rely on to dedicate more time to working on PostGraphile — mutual support.

Find out more about professional support at, and join us again tomorrow for a celebration of our Patreon supporters!



Benjie Gillam

Maintainer of PostGraphile: instant, secure and super-fast GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database.