Announcing Graph Explorer

Yaniv Tal
The Graph
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2019
Graph Explorer

Last Friday we hosted the first annual Graph Day in San Francisco, and it was astonishing. The community showed up in force and the energy and excitement for what people are working on was refreshing to see in this market. For those who were unable to attend, I’d like to share some of the highlights and expand on our recent updates.

The Graph is a query protocol for Web3 that we originally announced last July with our Introducing The Graph blog post. Web3 is an evolving platform and building usable applications for it remains difficult. An indexing and query protocol ensures that developers can easily access data directly from their frontend applications without needing to build and operate custom indexing servers. We open-sourced our standalone indexer shortly after our initial announcement and have been working closely with several projects to get the software ready for a larger audience.

At Graph Day we launched our Hosted Service and Graph Explorer. This marks the point at which we feel that the developer experience has gotten so good that we’re ready to onboard the rest of the projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. Graph Explorer makes getting started simple and delightful. We also shared new details about our decentralized network design and published specs for our hybrid decentralized network. We’ll be expanding on the latest updates for the decentralized network in a follow-up post.

Graph Explorer

Graph Explorer makes it easy for developers to discover all the data being indexed on The Graph and easily pull it into their dApps. We launched Graph Explorer with the following features:

  • Playground for discovering available data using introspection and running queries
  • Logs for viewing processed events and errors
  • Atomic updates with 0-downtime deployments
  • Dashboard for viewing your subgraphs and managing access tokens
  • Version switcher for toggling between the pending and current versions while a subgraph is being synced
  • GitHub authentication with support for individual and organization accounts

Launch Partners

At Graph Day we announced seven launch partners: Dharma, Compound, Uniswap, ENS, Origin, Decentraland, and Livepeer. All these protocols are now available on The Graph for third-party developers to access. We’re excited to see what developers build with easy access to all this data.

In future posts, we’ll be highlighting subgraphs being created by the community to showcase the awesome work people are doing. We want to feature how powerful Web3 can be when we add more data and logic down into the protocol layers to be leveraged by developers.

What’s Next?

With the launch of the Hosted Service and Graph Explorer, the Ethereum community now has a more streamlined way to access organized data from Ethereum and IPFS. We’re going to keep onboarding more protocols to make even more data available.

If you want to build an application on top of Web3, see what data is available on The Graph.

If you have requests for data you’d like to see on The Graph, join our Discord and let us know!

If you have data on Ethereum or IPFS that you want to make available to developers, it’s easier than ever to build your own subgraph.

And for those of you who weren’t able to make it to Graph Day, the keynote is now online!

The future of Web3 has never been brighter. We’re thankful to have the chance to do our part.

— Yaniv & The Graph Protocol Team ✌️

