Subgraph Developers Earn GRT Migration Rewards for Building Open Source APIs

The Graph
The Graph
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2021

Subgraph developers that built subgraphs and claimed their POAP NFTs were rewarded with GRT for their contributions to open source software.

The Graph would not be where it is today without its subgraph developers — over 20,000 developers that deployed more than 18,000 subgraphs in the hosted service’s lifetime. This is why The Graph Foundation is excited to reward each subgraph developer with 685 GRT to support their migration from the hosted service to the decentralized network.

Subgraph contributors who redeemed their Subgraph Developer POAP NFT before July 6th have received the GRT to their Ethereum addresses. Earned GRT can now be used to pay for query fees for subgraph usage in the Subgraph Studio or curate on a subgraph in the Graph Explorer! If you haven’t claimed your Subgraph Developer POAP NFT, there’s still time!

Claim your NFT to Receive the GRT Reward!

Subgraph developers who contributed to subgraphs on The Graph’s hosted service between Jan 21, 2019 until May 26, 2021 are eligible for a Subgraph Developer POAP NFTand should’ve received an email to claim the NFT via POAP. (Double check your spam!)

If you did not claim your NFT before July 8th you have a final chance to receive your GRT reward! Claim your Subgraph Developer NFT before July 15, 2021 at 12pm PDT to receive the GRT reward. All final rewards will be distributed by July 22, 2021, no further rewards will be distributed. If you failed KYC in any of The Graph’s past programs, you are not eligible for rewards.

Subgraph developers are the builders of the decentralized web, protectors of the open source commons and the architects of the global graph of data. We greatly value your contributions and look forward to collaborating with you more in Web3.

Migrate your Subgraph today!

8 dapps including Audius, DODO, Livepeer, mStable, Opyn, PoolTogether, Reflexer and UMA are currently relying on subgraphs in production and have migrated their subgraphs to the decentralized network. With yesterday’s launch of the Subgraph Studio, developers can now easily migrate their subgraphs, test in the sandbox and publish on mainnet. Developers can also efficiently manage query fees and subgraph settings to customize their experience. Using subgraphs published on The Graph ensures that a dapp is relying on decentralized infrastructure to mitigate central points of failure and downtime.

Yaniv Tal, CEO of Edge & Node said:

“This community’s come a long way since we first made Graph Node available to developers hacking at ETHBerlin 2018. We’re really thankful to all the developers that chose to be early adopters, worked through early bugs in the software, helped us improve the developer experience, participated in discord, and made The Graph a core part of their stacks.”

Curate on a Subgraph

By using the Graph Explorer subgraph developers can also earn GRT for their work by being one of the first to curate on subgraphs. Curators earn a portion of that subgraph’s query fees, so if you’ve built a high-quality subgraph with accurate or complex data, be one of the first to signal on it and stake GRT! Once a Curator stakes GRT, signal is minted along a bonding curve such that the impact of additional signal can vary, so it’s important that a Curator understands the utility and bonding curve dynamics of the subgraph they’re signalling on, including the risk that they could lose staked GRT.

Indexers prioritize subgraphs to serve queries, based on the amount of signal and expected query fees. Application developers will also choose their subgraph APIs based on expected reliability and quality, so make sure to signal on the subgraphs that are likely to power dapps in the future.

About The Graph

The Graph is the indexing and query layer of the decentralized web. Developers build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL. The Graph currently supports indexing data from Ethereum, IPFS, and PoA with more networks coming soon. To date, over 18,000 subgraphs have been deployed on the hosted service and now subgraphs can be deployed directly on the network! ~20,000 developers have built subgraphs for applications, such as Uniswap, Synthetix, Aragon, Gnosis, Balancer, Livepeer, DAOstack, AAVE, Decentraland, and many others.

If you are a developer building an application or Web3 application, you can use subgraphs for indexing and querying data from blockchains. The Graph allows applications to efficiently and performantly present data in a UI and allows other developers to use your subgraph too! You can deploy a subgraph or query existing subgraphs that are in the Graph Explorer. The Graph would love to welcome you to be Indexers, Curators and/or Delegators on The Graph’s mainnet. Join The Graph community by introducing yourself in The Graph Discord for technical discussions, join The Graph’s Telegram chat, or follow The Graph on Twitter! The Graph’s developers and members of the community are always eager to chat with you, and The Graph ecosystem has a growing community of developers who support each other.

The Graph Foundation oversees The Graph Network. The Graph Foundation is overseen by The Graph Council. Edge & Node and StreamingFast are two of the many organizations within The Graph ecosystem.



The Graph
The Graph

The Graph is a query protocol for Ethereum and IPFS using GraphQL.