GraphQL Finland Schedule

Mikhail Novikov
GraphQL Finland
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2018

GraphQL Finland conference schedule has been finalized. In this post I’ll highlight some of the talks that we are going to have.

The beginning — Adopting GraphQL in Large Codebases

We’ll begin the conference with a keynote by Adam Miskiewicz. At Airbnb, Adam helped build their GraphQL system. The big challenge was adopting GraphQL in a codebase that was as big as theirs.

In the same section Ellie Day is going to talk about how they adopted GraphQL in Atlassian and the emerging best practices from doing that.

Kadi Kraman is going to finish the section with her story of using GraphQL to build offline-first mobile application.

More best practices

After the break, Carolyn Stransky will continue with tips of how to best start learning GraphQL. GraphQL documentation isn’t always it’s strong side and one needs to know where to look. After Carolyn’s talk you would be able to navigate the deep currents of GraphQL documentation better.

After that, Jimmy Jia from 4Catalyzer will offer his advice on the best practices when building GraphQL apps. Even though GraphQL helps solving the many request problem of frontend apps, one can still shoot themselves in a foot pretty easily if approaching it naively.

After lunch — tooling and more

After lunch, Glenn Reyes will help you learn how to build great tools for GraphQL. It will be followed by Helen Zhukova, who will talk about her experience using GraphQL to generate derived data from the core datasets. Johannes Schickling from Prisma will continue, telling you how GraphQL can enable type safety across your whole application.

The section will be closed by Andrew E. Rhyne. Subscriptions are part of GraphQL, but implementing subscriptions can be hard. This talk will tell you how you can implement subscriptions using Event Sourcing.

Implementation lightnings

The next section will be all lightning talks and all about implementing GraphQL in different languages. Ivan Goncharov, maintainer of graphql-js, will talk you about all of the hidden secrets of GraphQL Query.

Nik Graf will cover GraphQL and Reason programming language. Cristoffer Niska, author of new graphql-php library, will tell about implementing GraphQL in new PHP.

Finally Tanmai Gopal will finish with the story of using Haskell to build Hasura GraphQL engine.

The final section

We are almost near the end! After the pastries, Eloy “Durán” Durán will help you find the best way to do errors in GraphQL and Benjie Gillam will teach you to do your GraphQL servers database first.

We will end with Dan Schafer, one of the GraphQL authors at Facebook, giving a finishing keynote.

After the conference, we will have an afterparty hosted by our sponsor Gofore. See you all there. And at the conference too of course.

Learn more about the conference from the site. There are also specific tips for the attendees and we have crafted a calendar file you can import to get the sessions. The schedule is also available as a poster.

