Can GraphQL Replace REST?

Maxime Topolov
GraphQL Portal
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2021


REST a robust, 20 years old standard, but 20 years is long in our industry.

REST architecture is a simple way for clients and servers to interact with each other. REST was a great solution when it was first presented, but there are some pretty significant issues that it suffers from now.

A REST API is one that uses the model of Representational State Transfer. By using REST APIs, instead of creating remote procedure calls and remote method invocations, an application can be developed in relative freedom from any specific communication protocol and any specific message syntax and semantics.

Since 2000 when REST was first proposed, many things have changed.

REST turn 21 years old, he can be drunk now ;)

The problem with REST API is that it often represents the UI or web service. It is not enough just to call the service and return data. Anytime there is a need for secondary operations, like additional filtering or processing, we have to build another service (or update the old one). This problem becomes even more evident when working with big data or…



Maxime Topolov
GraphQL Portal

Entrepreneur. CEO of I write about tech, dev and projects management.