“GraphQL Day” in Amsterdam on April 14

GraphQL Europe is coming to Amsterdam with a mini-conference

GraphQL Conf
3 min readMar 5, 2018


GraphQL is one of the most exciting API technologies that emerged over the last years and its community is growing rapidly. The upcoming GraphQL Europe conference as well as GraphQL Summit in San Francisco are the biggest GraphQL conferences in the world.

We’re now bringing another one-day conference to the heart of Europe:

GraphQL Daya mini-conference with awesome speakers at the NEMO science museum in Amsterdam on April 14 (Saturday).

GraphQL Day is organized as a part of the GraphQL Europe family of events.

GraphQL Europe is organized by: Graphcool/Prisma, a GraphQL Database Platform & Honeypot, Europe’s developer job platform.

The Schedule

The morning will be full of awesome talks about frontend- as well as backend-related topics. Ken Wheeler gives an introduction to urql, a new GraphQL client for React. Kim Brankdwijk (the author of the amazing supergraphql tools) in his talk provides an overview of the current state of the GraphQL ecosystem. After a coffee and networking break, the focus is on the client again when Sara Vieira discusses how to do local state management in React apps using Apollo Client. Finally, Martijn Walraven speaks about adopting GraphQL in legacy backend infrastructures.

The schedule continues after lunch with a bunch of lightning talks by Johannes Schickling (Founder & CEO of Graphcool), Ruben Verborgh (Professor at the University of Ghent), Ivan Goncharov (API consultant and GraphQL expert) as well as Manjula Dube (senior engineer at Bookmyshow and core contributor of GraphQL boilerplates).

As a finishing touch, Nikolas Burk leads a practical workshop teaching you how to build GraphQL servers with Node.js. As a little gem, all previous speakers will stick around during the workshop and help you out as mentors.

The Venue

NEMO Science Museum is a science center in the heart of Amsterdam.

Right in the middle of NEMO there is an enormous auditorium. The sloped seating gives a perfect view of the impressive projection screen. It is a perfect location for conferences and conventions, at the very heart of technology, science and innovation.

The Goodies

Attendees will be provided with fresh coffee, snacks and drinks, as well as a full lunch.

We’re also extremely excited to partner with ReactAmsterdam, the world’s biggest React conference happening right before GraphQL Day on Friday, April 13.

As a bonus of attending GraphQL Day, you’re getting a free pass to attend ReactAmsterdam’s after-party on Friday night! A huge thanks to the ReactAmsterdam’s organizers for that ❤️

Get your ticket soon

Tickets are on sale! There’s a limited number of early bird tickets available for 59,00 €. Regular tickets will be at 69,00 € and late bird at 89,00 €.

GraphQL EU is the biggest conference for GraphQL enthusiasts in Europe.

It happens on June 15 in Berlin. Early bird tickets are already sold out, be sure to grab your regular ticket soon!

Want to speak? The CfP is open until March 31.



GraphQL Conf

GraphQL Conf is the global GraphQL community conference with speakers from all around the world. Formerly GraphQL Europe. Organized by prisma.io & honeypot.io