Last Call — Submit Your Proposals for GraphQL Europe 🇪🇺

The CfP for GraphQL Europe closes on March 31

GraphQL Conf
4 min readMar 15, 2018


GraphQL EU is the biggest gathering of GraphQL enthusiasts in Europe. Hosted in the heart of Berlin, the conference is an opportunity for the GraphQL community to come together, share knowledge and experiences, discuss crazy ideas, and contribute to the exciting future of GraphQL. With around 300 attendees in 2017, we’re aiming to have around 600 in 2018!

Mark your calendar and plan your trip to Berlin:

  • Location: nHow Hotel, Berlin (Website | Map)
  • Date: June 15, 2018
Speakers for GraphQL Europe 2018. Want to join this awesome group? Submit your talk proposal!

Submit your talk proposal soon

The CfP for GraphQL Europe is closing on March 31. We already received a number of awesome submissions — but one is still missing: yours!

If you don’t have an idea what to talk about, here’s a bit of inspiration for different categories of talks:

  • Case Study: Did you or your company decide to use GraphQL in production? Tell us how it went, what the original motivation was to adopt GraphQL, the challenges you came across and how it affected your engineering process and team structure as a whole.
  • Best Practices: With GraphQL still being a fairly new technology, it’s very common to hear developers ask how to do X (Authentication, Permissions, Realtime, Offline, Native Development, Testing,…) with GraphQL. If you have discovered patterns that work well for you and your team, submit a talk to share your approach with the community!
  • Frontend: Are you using Relay or Apollo Client in a bigger project? Or maybe you’re building a native mobile app with GraphQL? Did you discover new patterns or was there a specific client-side feature that really helped your team and boosted your development process? Let the community know by submitting a talk about it!
  • Backend: The server-side space is probably the one that’s most exciting about GraphQL, not only because it reaches so many programming communities. Being an API technology, most of the challenges to be solved with GraphQL lie on the server. Solutions, patterns and ideas can be shared across programming languages. Tell everyone about your approaches for how your team adopted a GraphQL gateway or how you decided to structure your application. What libraries and tools are you using to build, deploy and maintain your GraphQL server?
  • Experimental Features: The future of GraphQL is bright and many ideas are already discussed and experimented with in the wild before they make it into the official specification. Topics like live queries, custom directives, schema stitching or code generation are on the cutting-edge of the GraphQL ecosystem. Be sure to submit a talk if you’ve already gained experience with any of the experimental features of GraphQL.

This list only intends to serve some inspiration for common topics, but of course it’s not complete. If you have an idea for a talk that does not fit any of these categories, this should be even more of a reason to submit your proposal!

First-time speakers welcome 🙌

We want to particularly encourage people who have not spoken at conferences before to submit talks and share what they are working on!

This could be your stage

Speaking at a conference can be scary — but there’s one secret: practice. Make sure to practice your talk in front of friends, family and colleagues. Listen to their feedback and incorporate it in the next round. Another thing to remember is that the audience is on your side. Nobody comes to a conference to see a speaker fail — the audience is excited for your talk and will be cheering for you 👏

If you don’t know where to start or need more words of encouragement, check out the Global Diversity CfP Day initiative. They recently organised more than 50 workshops world-wide to encourage first-time speakers to submit talk proposals to tech conferences. While the workshops for 2018 have already passed, the materials from the workshops’ agendas are still available here.

Get your ticket — Early-birds already sold out

GraphQL Europe is taking place with a beautiful view on the Spree river — get your ticket now.

The ticket sales are in full swing and early-bird tickets are already sold out, so be sure to grab your ticket soon!

Stay tuned about new announcements by following GraphQL Europe on Twitter or join the #graphql-europe channel on our Slack.

Do you want to learn about GraphQL and are you looking for an excuse to go to Amsterdam? Check out our mini-conference GraphQL Day on April 14 🇳🇱

See awesome speakers like Ken Wheeler, Johannes Schickling, Martijn Walraven, Sara Viera, Ivan Goncharov, Manjula Dube and a lot more.



GraphQL Conf

GraphQL Conf is the global GraphQL community conference with speakers from all around the world. Formerly GraphQL Europe. Organized by &