Announcing GraphQL Workshop!

Eve Porcello
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2018

Six years ago, Alex Banks and I launched Moon Highway, a curriculum development and training company providing web development training for engineers.

We really like our job.

At corporations, we’ve taught thousands of engineers how to work more efficiently with the latest tools and language features.

On Lynda/LinkedIn Learning, we’ve released 10 courses on React, React Native, Redux, ES6, GraphQL, and Node.js. (Alex’s Node.js Essential Training alone has been viewed over a million times 😱).

For O’Reilly, we wrote Learning React, a guide to writing React and Redux applications. We’re currently working on our second book, Learning GraphQL.

Learning GraphQL: Declarative Data Fetching For Modern Web Apps

As trainers, we were introduced to React early. We immediately loved it, and we knew we wanted to work with it as much as possible. The same is true for GraphQL: it’s amazing to work with, and its impact extends far beyond the React/JavaScript ecosystem.

Learning GraphQL can feel like a daunting task. Just as React changed the game by giving us a new way to create user interfaces, GraphQL marks a huge shift in how we fetch data and think about our APIs. With GraphQL queries, we can make one request and get all of the data that we need in one response. Among the many benefits of GraphQL, this reduces overfetching and underfetching which can lead to performance problems in our applications.

As the GraphQL ecosystem expands rapidly, it can be tricky to figure out where to get started. Writing a few queries with the Star Wars API using GraphiQL seems fun, but how do you actually implement GraphQL in real-world projects? Well, there’s a new class for that!

Introducing GraphQL Workshop!

Today we’re announcing our new course, GraphQL Workshop, that will focus on getting developers up and running with GraphQL. In this hands-on, two-day course, you’ll learn about GraphQL and its ecosystem by building a robust, full-stack application. You’ll write the schema. You’ll build the server. You’ll load data into user interfaces using Apollo Client. We’ll use JavaScript and Node.js in the course, but what you learn can be applied to building GraphQL services that are written in any language.

Join Us On Tour!

We’ve added several public workshops to the calendar for this spring and summer in Portland, Seattle, San Jose (as part of O’Reilly’s Fluent Conference), Charlotte, and Houston. We’re also offering this workshop as a private corporate training if you’d like to bring the class onsite for your engineering teams.

Early bird tickets are available now, and more details can be found on our website at If you have any questions at all, let us know on Twitter (@eveporcello or @moontahoe) or email us anytime (

Now’s the time to master GraphQL. We can’t wait to see you in class!

