GHF Holiday Update — 12/20/21

James M
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2021

There will be a lot of work to do for sure in the New Year to create all of our new Base Assault tokens and will plan to have a serious event surrounding this. There are a lot of other fun systems to be expanded upon with Mecha/Mecha Arena, Base Assault, and World Bosses.

I am sorry we did not get to do a little Christmas/Holiday Season event this year, due to the hardware issues was unable to prepare something that felt genuine and exciting for you guys.

Also please understand there have been a lot of minting and Jumpnet issues recently that we have had no control over, hopefully most of these are resolved but I have still not received any news about the token bridge. Because of this I will likely be recreating all tokens on Jumpnet in the new year. I will most likely allow players to swap their mainnet tokens for Jumpnet versions if they desire, but both will remain usable. This may cause some confusion with token supplies (ie founder token) so not sure if this is the final answer.

Remember with Enjin there is a cool value of token backing that helps benefit the players, but does require some extra business consideration when creating tokens/managing rewards/etc that there needs to be a balance in order to make sure the game is beneficial for all to enjoy.

I am welcome to any form of personal, private feedback. I apologize but passive aggressive comments made in a public forum will likely get ignored. I appreciate everyone who is able to help out new players joining and asking questions. Your willingness to assist helps more than you realize.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday season. Keep up your quests and daily logins and keep growing your Hopper fam to take on all of the adventures in store for 2022.







