GHF Update 9/12/21 — Critical Crafting Expansion!

James M
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2021

Hey Hoppers! Wanted to draft up a quick announcement for a new feature going live!

Long story short — we’ve unlocked the ability to Critically Craft all of our BP weapons!

Starting now, every blueprint craft will also incorporate your Critical Crafting chance for a shot at a brand new Exquisite Weapon, which will be live on Jumpnet! This allows us to continue expanding while we’re waiting on the Enjin token bridge for some of these Mainnet items! Be sure to level up your Critical Crafting Chance and pop open some of those BPs for a chance to get some low index killer weapons!

Of note, Exquisite and Unique Weapons will have an intended use in Grasshopper Dungeon, a future Telegram-based Grasshopper themed RPG/Arena game. All BP weapons — Godlike and Exquisite — will feature added benefits against similarly themed World Bosses/Events in the future (ie Pirate Swords vs Pirate Bosses, Candy Cane Sword for Christmas event, etc).

Happy Forging!







