YouTube Show: Alejandro Flores-Munoz, Grassroots Campaigns (GCI) Alum


“My Mom is a lifelong organizer”
Alejandro Flores-Munoz, Program Director, America Votes (AV) Colorado

(Photo Credit: Grassroots Campaigns — GCI)

American working families are worried. There’s a palpable anxiety in cities and towns across the country. Mass shootings, the threat of nuclear war, the risk of not being able to make ends meet — all leave Americans with a sense of uncertainty and stress. It’s important, however, to remain hopeful and positive, especially if you’re an organizer working for a political campaign, social change movement, or advocacy organization. And it’s even more important to learn from organizers that are positive and hopeful themselves.

Grasstops by Grassroots Campaigns (GCI), spoke with GCI Alum and America Votes (AV) Colorado, Program Director, Alejandro Flores-Munoz about his secret for remaining positive, enthusiastic, and tenacious — while living and working as a gay undocumented DREAMer in the United States.

Check out Alejandro’s story and the impact he made, and continues to make, as one of America’s most inspirational organizers.



Grassroots Campaigns (GCI)
Grasstops by Grassroots Campaigns (GCI)

We do top notch Face to Face campaigns for groups on the front lines of progressive change