PODCAST: Kathryn Poindexter, Campaign Greenhouse


“I’ve overseen hundreds of recruiters (at Grassroots Campaigns — GCI) all working towards a similar goal of recruiting new staff, so why couldn’t I oversee hundreds of candidates using similar systems (with Campaign Greenhouse)…”

Kathryn Poindexter, Founder of Campaign Greenhouse

(Photo Credit: Campaign Greenhouse)

There are over 500,000 elected officials in the United States and more than 240,000 races for these positions each year. Meet the woman who believes — that no matter how small the race — every candidate for elected office deserves to have an expert campaign consultant within arms reach. Kathryn Poindexter, known more commonly as “KP,” wants to recruit candidates for all these races and coach them all the way to Election Day. And KP believes it’s easier than ever thanks to new technologies, simple tools, and a vast network of campaign veterans.

In 2004, at Grassroots Campaigns (GCI), KP was charged with recruiting over 600 organizers for the presidential election. She’s using those same skills to recruit thousands of candidates for down ballot races across the United States. In this podcast episode of Grasstops by GCI, we go in depth with KP about her story, her career, and everything she learned working campaigns since her days at GCI; and how she and her team are applying them today as political entrepreneurs at the new start-up called Campaign Greenhouse.



Grassroots Campaigns (GCI)
Grasstops by Grassroots Campaigns (GCI)

We do top notch Face to Face campaigns for groups on the front lines of progressive change