Thomas Jefferson Memorial — Washington D.C.

An interview with my niece: why I’m into politics

Adam Moore
Grassroots Politics
4 min readMar 7, 2016


It’s no secret that I’m big into politics and have worked and continue to work in the grassroots to help elect conservative candidates. It’s no secret to my followers on social media, my friends and coworkers, or especially my family. This means when people have political questions either they directly ask me, or directly avoid me — family, you know who you are. It also means I get the privilege to help out when my niece is doing an assignment for school and needs to interview someone about politics. I thought she asked some great questions so I decided to share those questions and my responses.

A shot of my kids in front of the White House during our trip to D.C. last summer.

Who are you going to vote for and why?

In the primary, I voted for Marco Rubio. I think he not only has the best stance on each issue but I think he also brings a positive message for younger generations and an inspiring message for America. Politics is so often filled with negativity and division, it’s a breath of fresh air to get a politician with a truly positive message.

What are your thoughts on the other candidates running?

I think most of the other candidates are decent and honorable people. It takes a lot of hard work and a certain drive, a for love of your country, to want to put yourself through what it takes to run for public office — especially President. There’s always going to be something you disagree with, with every politician but there are a few things that are important for me to look at in any election.

1) Does the person running understand the position they are running for and more importantly the limits to the power they’re being granted.

2) What values are at the foundation of the person. When it comes to tough issues, having a foundation of good values helps everyone make good decisions so knowing what a persons values are is very important to knowing how they’ll address issues that come up that could have never been thought of while they were campaigning.

3) Is the candidate’s message one of being positive and inclusive to all? Being against ideas is great but in my mind, you shouldn’t win an election on what you’re against. Rather, you should win on what you are for.

What made you interested in politics?

I’m not sure what first made me interested though I know I’ve been interested since high school. I think I’ve always had a sense of duty to my country and have always found the uniqueness of our system interesting and wanted to make sure that I truly understood and knew about the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. I have always been interested in learning about Americanism and what has made the United States such a successful country in such a short amount of time. I guess the more I learned, the more interested I became in the politics of it all and making sure that we continue with our traditions to keep this country on the right path forward.

How do you like helping with the Marco Rubio Campaign?

So I’m not directly associated with the Marco Rubio campaign. I do have contact with individuals within the campaign and am doing whatever I can to help but those relationships were grown organically. Instead of being in the campaign, I’m more of what you would consider a grassroots organizer. I’m using skills that I use in my everyday job, like social media and web development, to help the Rubio campaign gain awareness and momentum from a more organic perspective. As far as how do I like it, it’s definitely been an emotional rollercoaster. When you’re invested in a candidate, and you have absolutely no control over the campaigns message or what people are going to do in the end, it can be very frustrating. Overall I’ve enjoyed it and hope that I’ll find many more people who I believe so strongly in that I’d do the same for them.

Would you ever want to be in government/politics?

I’m not sure if I would ever run for a political position myself, time could only tell there. That being said, I’ll definitely continue to be active in politics and the political landscape. Like I mentioned above, I really enjoy being a grassroots activist and think of it as a way to better serve my country, so I’ll definitely continue to do that as long as I continue to be passionate about it.



Adam Moore
Grassroots Politics

Web Developer | Auto Writer/Publisher | Family man first