Go to GRASSWORKS — What works and why in grassland restoration in Germany?
GRASSWORKS — What works and why in grassland restoration in Germany?
This blog reports stories & updates from Grassworks, an inter-and transdisciplinary research project that aims to explore which factors lead to success in grassland restoration in three different regions across Germany.
Note from the editor

With Grassworks, we want to contribute and shape the current scientific-political and societal debate in the field of the biodiversity crisis in a sustainable way. We think that the results of our research project will be a key component in strengthening this dialogue. Many of the environmental problems could be actively addressed if we succeed in restoring a much greater density of species-rich grasslands in our landscapes.

Go to the profile of Ioana Alexandra Patru-Duse
Ioana Alexandra Patru-Duse
Enthusiastic about nature, traditions & food. I like to smell & read books. Sustainability pracademic wannabe. Born in Romania, ensembled internationally.
Go to the profile of Lea Pöllmann
Go to the profile of Lea Pöllmann
Go to the profile of Ioana Alexandra Patru-Duse
Ioana Alexandra Patru-Duse
Enthusiastic about nature, traditions & food. I like to smell & read books. Sustainability pracademic wannabe. Born in Romania, ensembled internationally.