How To Become a Writer for Gratefully Yours

Calling writers for submissions about your personal wins and blessings in disguise

Michelle Marie Warner
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2021


Photo by Johnhain on Pixabay

When I was relatively new to Medium, I heard it was a good idea to start a pub. I knew it would have to be about gratitude because that’s my jam. I love hearing about what’s good in your world, especially when it comes from unlikely places. I’m ever searching for blessings in disguise, the silver lining in the clouds.

Much like other unfinished projects of my past, I was initially excited to share gratitude through our sharing in this pub. But I began to neglect my sweet little space. I forgot about it after a time, as I submitted to bigger pubs for more attention to my work.

Well, the time has come to pay some attention to this one. I’d like to invite you as a writer to share your personal wins and unexpected blessings. I encourage personal stories with an element of personal growth, self-awareness, and a life lesson.

As a writer for Gratefully Yours, I encourage you to dive deep for the value in what might’ve been a tragic or disappointing event. Look for the light in the darkness, the miracle emerging from the mess, the lesson from a difficult discussion.



Michelle Marie Warner
Gratefully Yours

Writer of all things personal, socially conscious, sensitive AF, single LGBTQIA+ mom. Ready to bite off more than I've been chewing.