What’s not going to change in 10 years?

Saavan Hirani
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2018

An important question for many from business owners to investors and particularly start-ups.

Whilst most are concerned with the next big technological advancement or the economic paradigm shift to adapt to, a solid foundation can be built on knowing what will remain certain in the same time-frame and how to optimise it.

One of the most common factors is price, the consumer is always going to want low prices and this will not change in the next 10 years. Nor will the fact that we as a society are becoming increasingly more productive and our time is ever more precious and will be worth more over time. A lot of disruptive technology can be seen catering to this, for example from Amazon’s 1-click ordering or Uber’s reliably quick response times.

The team from Gratz.io are looking to save you time and money by building a distributed app on the Stellar blockchain for instant person-to-person services.

Everything from picking up dry cleaning to finding a landscaper to help with your elderly relatives garden across the globe.

Gratzio is the app that lets you be in two places at once. Errands that need to be completed can be outsourced to capable individuals for which they are rewarded Gratz token in return.

The app to make your life and those around you that little bit easier.

