Getting started with Computer Vision AI / ML — Tutorial Step 2 of 7: Setting up your Google Cloud Vision account

In this tutorial, we learn how to create a system to detect if a sink contains any dishes that need washing up. This is step 2 of 7. Start with Step 1 here, or view the full tutorial on

Steps to get into Machine Learning and Computer Vision

  1. Collecting images of as many different situations as possible (Details)
  2. Setting up your Google Cloud Vision account 👈 YOU ARE HERE
  3. Uploading and labeling those images via the Google Vision AI website, training the Model (Details)
  4. Download the model from Google’s platform (Details)
  5. Set up Gravio Coordinator and connect HubKit to it (Details)
  6. Deploy the model to Gravio Coordinator and subsequently to HubKit (Details)
  7. Create Actions that are being triggered based on what the camera sees (Details)

Step 2 — Setting up your Google Cloud Vision account

The next step is to create an inference model file. Gravio uses TensorFlow, that’s why you can create those models on your Google Cloud Vision account, which is part of the Google Cloud Platform. Training models is a very computer power-intensive process, hence Google is charging for the computing power, but often you get some credit to start with and try it out.

To get started, head over to and click on the “Get started for free” button.

After your login with your Google account, you will see a screen similar to this:

Follow the sign-up instructions until you reach a screen similar to this:

Here you search for “AutoML” and click on “Vision”:

Which will open this screen:

Gravio supports “Object Detection” so please click on “Get Started”. The first time you do this, you may have to enable the “AutoML API”:

Then you create a new data set:

Give it a sensible name and pick the “Object Detection” at the far right:

That’s it, you’re ready to get started with teaching computers to detect objects in pictures.

Continue to the next Step: Uploading and labeling those images via the Google Vision AI website, creating the Model

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Go to the full A-Z tutorial on

