Non-Profit Social Media Analysis

Evelyn —
Gravitas Design: Art and Business
4 min readSep 21, 2016

In Real-Time Marketing for Business Growth — How to Use Social Media, Measure Marketing, and Create a Culture of Execution, author Monique Reece discusses the value of social media. The author asserts that social media can “keep you updated on the latest news and trends in your industry, what your competitors are doing, and the changing buying habits of buyers and decision makers” (Reece102). Not only is social media a form of implementing advertising campaigns it is also a great research tool, you can quickly see what is being said about your company in real-time.

Social media campaigns allow for the most transparent analysis of an organization’s overall marketing strategy. The stuffy professional tone forced in other settings is decreased as organizations try to give more of a human voice to their cause. Despite nearly every organization participating in social media, each organization uses a different marketing strategy. Below, we will analyze a few non-profit organizations and their strategies using the social media platform Facebook:

WWF: World Wildlife Foundation

It was fast and accurate search for the organization via facebook’s search tool as the official page was the first to show. This is important in social media marketing to be the the first result otherwise people may view another page as the legitimate face of the organization as well as their values expressed on the page. WWF has accomplished this by having @ WWF as their page identification rather than identifying it as anything other than their organization’s name. The largest and most predominate button on the page is the donation button. The presence of an obvious donation button and a “support our work” tab further provides information on donating.

The organization’s post tactics consist of showing beautiful environments and animals, then alerting the viewer that what they are seeing is in danger. This method educates people of the existence of a problem. Hashtags are being used to sum up the promotion stated. Educate people of the problem. The page also has photos,videos,events, and a link to their newsletter. There is no extreme guilt put on the audience to prompt them to donate, but rather education and the attempt to instill admiration to wildlife that will then result in donating.

National Wildlife Federation:

The verified National Wildlife Federation page is easy to find using the search tool but what also shows up are NWF branches using the same profile picture but different content. The page tag, @ National Wildlife does not specifically label the organization and may cause a problem. The posts of the organization are about the legacy of nature and preservation. The organization’s tabs include fundraisers, events, photos,and their other social media tool: Instagram. The attitude presented is positive with only positive news being posted — there is no “battle” against those who don’t care about the environment. However, what is presented is the idea that the continuation of good work depends on viewer’s support. On the page, hashtags are not used, it less agenda orientated, and there is only one donation button.

VMFA: Virginia Museum of Fine Art

The page does not show immediately on the search bar despite being a verified page. This is perhaps by the use of @ myVMFA instead of @ VMFA. The posts consist of upcoming and past events and highlighting of artists. The main tactic apparent is the organization trying to get people to attend events. Instead of a donation button there is a “call now button.” These practices may be because attendance to events require a purchase of at ticket (while regular entry to the museum is free).

Invisible Children

Despite being a verified page and having the @ invisible children tag, there are other “Invisible Children” pages that show up before the legitimate one. There is a donation button present. The posts give power to audience with excessive “you attitude” and telling the viewer they have power to make a difference. Tabs include fundraisers, photos, and other social media platforms: Instagram and YouTube. The posts also give evidence of the work being done through the organization thanks to donations. The main goal is to have viewers donate and financially support their efforts.

Overall, social media can be a useful tool in gathering awareness for a cause and has allowed organizations to directly reach their audiences. In the world of social media the viewer has more control over what they see than television or other advertising methods, because of the power to “follow” pages. This “following” or “liking” of pages acts as an allowance saying “yes, I’d like to see more of what your posting/doing.” This willing expose gives the cause free advertising and better maintenance of existing supporters.

