A new step for Gravit Designer

Fantastic news in sight, folks! Or should I say… apptastic?

Claudia Driemeyer
Gravit Designer
4 min readApr 6, 2017


Versions 1.0, 2.0, 2.5 and now version 3.0. It’s a long way to the top!

Gravit’s team has been working super hard these past weeks to finally release the Kraken: our native app will be on the stores! We are always giving our best to provide our users with the greatest experience, and with our last improvements, new additions and fixes, we are very proud to present Gravit Designer 3.0! In just some days it will be available on the App Store, Windows Store, Chrome Store and, of course, you can use the online version right now or download it on our website. *crowd cheers*

And don’t worry, we are still a free software! A beautiful, intuitive, full-featured, free and now enhanced vector software. How awesome (and unique, admit it) is that?


But hey, there’s still a lot yet to come! Gravit Designer is always moving forward, daily working to create a better user experience and hand over the best free vector tool you can find out there. Here are some of the stunning features that are hovering on the horizon in our Roadmap:


With more features, comes more responsibility. This means that even though Gravit Designer is always perfecting the features and creating a better design environment, our performance has to keep allowing the user to have a smooth experience. That’s why we are building a brand new Render Engine that’s Web GL based, better, faster, stronger and all the other good “ers” you can possibly imagine. Its our biggest undertaking so far utilizing bleeding edge technology and will give you native performance finally putting Gravit Designer on the top of any design tools.


Symbols is a dynamic feature that saves you loads of time. As you turn an element into a Symbol, you can reuse this element across your document, and when you have to make a change on them, you just need to do it on the Symbol’s master. Automatically, this change will apply to your element wherever it appears on your document. Our Symbols feature will also support realtime inline edition and sync per object. This works great with our Pages and Master pages feature!


Showing your design in action is essential to deliver a good user experience, and that’s where Prototyping comes in handy: creating an interactive simulation of your product or app. Now, imagine creating your design in Gravit Designer and, with just a few clicks, there it is, you can simulate how it’s going to work. We know, it’s brilliant.


If you are prototyping to show your product, animating your simulation, adding transitions and different states like hover or active, will sure do the trick to demonstrate how your design is supposed to work. This features will also be very useful for presentations (which is another incredible feature, by the way).


Gravit Designer already has a striking Text tool that will be enhanced with Extended Text Format, which will allow you to produce more complex text compositions with Styles, character and paragraph editing and Open type features as well as advanced DTP layouting Features.


Can a vector tool have a Brush tool that works smoothly and makes nice strokes that are still vectors? Can a vector tool have a bitmap Brush tool that will help with sketches and details on your design? Oh yes, that’s all very possible and Gravit Designer will have it.


After conquering the Online and Offline worlds, we will seek to conquer the mobile world. Gravit Designer will also be available for tablets — both IPad and Android.

We hope you are as excited as we are! This is a huge step for Gravit Designer and we expect to keep going higher and higher, so stay tuned for even more amazing stuff coming your way soon.

Don’t forget to leave us your feedback! It is crucial for us. :D

