APIM 1.20

David Brassely
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2018

Oh shit! APIM 1.20 was already released two weeks ago…. and guess what: 1.21 is scheduled for the 20th of november!

But hey! Where is the post explaining features included in our latest release ? You can blame us, you’re right! But you may also know that we have a (very) short release lifecycle and it’s not always easy to get time for writing such post.

Anyway, here we are and, as usual, we are happy to announce this new version. The full change-log can be found here but we would enjoy to share with you the new features:

Search Engine

From the very beginning of the project, we were relying on Angular filters to search for APIs (whether from the portal or from the management UI). It was cool but we had more and more users / customers asking for a more sophisticated search feature, you know: “A la google”.

We made your dreams a reality and you can know search for whatever you want, keywords, tags, labels, … and this will search across all the fields of the API but also in documentation pages! You now have all the cards in hand to provide APIs Google Search Engine feature from your API portal :)

User Experience

In this release we have started a new sprint to review the UX on the management side. All the forms have been rebranded and are now following the same UX principles.

Forms design

We still have a long road before providing a good experience to the users but more is coming within the next releases!

SSL Support / Mutual TLS

API Publisher have now the ability to finely configure SSL at the endpoint level using multiple keystore / truststore type: pem / jks / p12 / pkfx / …

SSL is no automatically enabled for an endpoint as soon as the endpoint’s target URL is define with the https protocol. API Publisher is then responsible to configure the truststore to use to communicate with the backend.

Also, if the backend is requiring client authentication, API Publisher can configure the keystore accordingly.

SSL Configuration


Many features have been covered around the documentation topic.

Bitbucket support

We have added a new bitbucket fetcher plugin which allows the API Publisher to fetch documentation pages from a Bitbucket repository.

Bitbucket fetcher

Gitlab v4 API with an improved support for Gitlab and is now supporting both Gitlab API v3 and v4. Life is well done :)


One of the most exiting feature (many thanks to Guillaume) about documentation is the ability to create folders and create or move existing pages into it.

It allows API Publisher to organize easily all the documentation pages for their API consumers, because, you know, API without documentation is useless, ins’t it?

What is this? A folder, really? :-P


Release 1.10 was the beginning of the logging feature from the API Gateway. API Publisher had the possibility to ask for logging / dump HTTP requests and response between the consumers and the gateway but also between the gateway and the backend.

Tadaaaaa, here is log!

This was cool but not sufficient because for all of our users. Some of them are using logging feature for legal reasons. Some others are using it for debugging. For this second case, API Publisher was asking to enable logging but only for a subset of the requests. That is where 1.20 is coming: you have now the ability to finely configure logging: per application, per plan, per HTTP requests, for a given time, …

Logging is enabled for a given application but only for requests containing X-Gravitee-Debug and for 5 seconds…

And many more… API Management 1.20 is providing many more features and improvements among which we can find:

  • Better support for Swagger authentication through the portal
  • Navigation between analytics and logs has been improved
  • More filtering options for analytics.
  • TLS / SSL Support for MongoDB (Thanks to Fabrice Mercier)
  • Improved policies

We would love to write some words about each of them, but it makes probably more sense to let you discover them by yourself.

For this, just follow the installation guide and start to play with by using Docker.

You have questions, suggestions, issues (with Gravitee ? Never, …), we would be happy to help you from Gitter channel.

