Manage Complex Distributed Architectures with Gravitee’s Sharding Tags

Nico Balestra
Published in
7 min readFeb 9, 2022
Nastya Dulhiier on Unsplash

When dealing with distributed API strategies, sharding tags enable you to manage how APIs are accessed, based on which environment they are deployed to. We will look at what sharding tags are, why they are key in modern architectures, and how to get them configured.


If you are a Gravitee user you might have heard of sharding tags and you might be wondering what they are. In this blog, we’re going to cover exactly that!

We will use an example outlining a common scenario that impacts many organizations to demonstrate why you would use sharding tags. We will also demonstrate how they can be used to deploy Gravitee in complex distributed environments.

Introducing the scenario

The sharding tags mechanism allows you to specify which “shard” of Gateway an API should be deployed to. This feature is useful when you have many API Gateways dedicated to different networks, audiences, programs, and so forth. To explain this further, let’s dive into our scenario.

In the diagram below we have an example of a typical deployment an organization may use for their API Management. This scenario looks to deploy two APIs in a distributed manner, providing high availability across different regions and in different network environments.

Example of Distributed APIs architecture

The two APIs we are looking to deploy are as follows:

Customer API

This API provides a business capability to access customer information. It will be reachable outside of the corporate network and will be used by the business to create new revenue streams, allowing third-party organizations to consume important business data.

Backend API

This technical API aggregates business data from several enterprise systems (for example, customers, products, orders, shipment, etc.). The Customer API will consume only a subset of the data exposed by the Backend API.

Both of the APIs and all the Gateways will be managed through a single instance of Gravitee API Manager (orange box). The location of the API Manager is not relevant for the scenario we are presenting.

The Customer API will be deployed across all of the Gateways located in the US and EU data centers, accessible through the internet (i.e. demilitarized zone(DMZ)/open access network). The Backend API will also be deployed across all of the Gateways in the US and EU. However, given the sensitive data this API provides access to, it’s paramount it is deployed to Gateways that are reachable only within the secured, internal corporate network. Also, note how we have two replicas of the enterprise database and how the Backend API will access the one in the same region. This is to minimize network latency and improve overall response time.

In order to put in place the above architecture, the following requirements must be satisfied:

  1. Ensure the Customer API is deployed to the Gateways available within the DMZ network.
  2. Ensure the Backend API is deployed to internal Gateways.
  3. To avoid high latency, we need to ensure that a request hitting a Gravitee Gateway in the US region only proxies that request to an upstream API deployed in the US. In Gravitee parlance, we need to instruct Gravitee to select the right API endpoint based on the region where the Gateway has been deployed.

To meet requirements 1 and 2 we will be leveraging Gravitee’s sharding tags. For requirement 3 — this will be met by leveraging a concept called tenants, and the “multiple API-endpoints’’ capability provided by Gravitee. We will cover tenants in the next blog.

We’ve given you an overview of why you’d want to use sharding tags. Now let’s take a look at how you can use them in your deployment.

Sharding tags


Sharding tags allow you to “tag” a Gateway with a specific keyword. Once a Gateway is tagged, you will be able to deploy an API and select which (sharding) tag a Gateway should have in order for the API to be deployed on a Gateway.

In our scenario we will define two sharding tags:

  • “internal”
  • “external”

Each Gateway deployed in the DMZ will be tagged with the tag “external”, with each Gateway deployed within the corporate network tagged with “internal”.

To assign a Gateway to a specific sharding tag, simply add the following setting to the Gateway gravitee.yaml configuration file:

  • DMZ Gateways:

tags: ‘external’

  • Internal Network Gateways:

tags: ‘internal’

Gateways can be tagged with one or more sharding tags. You can also specify exclusion rules. For example, imagine you have Gateways tagged as “external” and also as “partner”. If you wanted to configure a Gateway so that it can host external APIs that are not dedicated to partners (maybe you have different Gateways assigned to partners), you would configure the sharding tag like this:

tags: ‘product,store,!partner’

Once the Gateways have been tagged, you will need to define the same sharding tags within API Manager.

Open your API Manager console web page and head to “Organization” -> “Sharding tags” and create two sharding tags: “internal” and “external”. To do this, simply click on the + button in the bottom-left corner of the page

Then enter the new tag (matching the tag you entered in your gravitee.yaml configuration file):

Gravitee also provides a way to automatically apply a sharding tag to APIs based on the entrypoint. So, for example, if your entrypoint for all external APIs is, you can instruct Gravitee API Manager to apply the “external” tag to all APIs with this entry point, resulting in the related APIs to be deployed on an “external” Gateway.

To do so head to “Organization -> Sharding tags” again and click on “Add a mapping configuration entrypoint / tags

Then, specify an entrypoint and the relevant sharding tag that should be applied to all APIs with that entrypoint configured:

Now, every API with an entrypoint of will have the “external” tag applied, which will result in the API being deployed only to Gateways located in the DMZ network.

The above approach can be repeated to apply to the “internal” tag. This will save you from having to assign a sharding tag to all those APIs that have the same entrypoint and that will be probably deployed on the same Gateways.

Deploying an API using sharding tags

Once all sharding tags have been configured, assigning an API to a specific sharding tag should be pretty straightforward.

Firstly, access your API within the API Manager console and click on the Proxy button:

Then, click on Deployments and simply select the sharding tags to determine which (shard of) Gateways this API should be deployed to:

Once saved, you will see an orange banner appearing at the top of the screen, warning that the API needs to be redeployed in order for all Gateways to sync this new change:

In our example above, after clicking on “deploy your API”, the API will be deployed to all Gateways tagged as “external”.

Wrapping it up

In this blog we’ve provided a definition of what sharding tags are, along with an example that would typically be seen by an organization looking to deploy APIs for different requirements.

We have also provided a step-by-step guide on how to achieve such a deployment, demonstrating how to instruct the API Manager to deploy our APIs to the appropriate Gateways, depending on the specified deployment architecture requirements.

Sharding tags are a powerful way to distribute your APIs, based on certain requirements such as network topology, API audience and Gateway load. The beauty of this model is that you can easily scale APIs by simply adding a new Gateway with a certain sharding tag, and it will result in that API being served by the new Gateway. Your imagination is your limit!



Nico Balestra

If I’m not talking about APIs I’m probably cooking Italian