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Why Design First when Building APIs

Lorie Pisicchio
Published in
5 min readNov 8, 2021



At Gravitee.io, the most complete Open Source API platform, we are big believers in designing your APIs in a Design First approach. In this blog post we’re going to discuss how using a Design First approach will help you superpower your applications.

You can also check out my talk from API World 2021:

The rise of API First

There can be some confusion of terms when people see API First and Design First, assuming that the phrases are one and the same.

In the 2021 state of the API report, Postman surveyed over 28,000 professionals in the API Industry (developers, testers, executives and others) about their appetite around embracing API first strategies. 67% of respondents rated their adoption between “We are somewhat API first” to “We are fully API first”.

Whilst the majority of the industry are adopting this strategy, the term API First can have different definitions. It may refer to “Developing APIs before developing applications or integrations”, or “Defining and designing APIs and schema before beginning development”.

With respect to API design, the Postman 2021 state of the API report clearly demonstrates that the majority of the respondents are thinking about their API designs at an early stage, before development kicks off.

Whilst there are different definitions around what API First means, the consensus view is that API design is primary consideration, coming before other development and design considerations. Let’s now take a look at Design First, and its opposite counterpart — Code First.

Code First versus Design First

There are two strategies when it comes to API implementation, Code First and Design First.

Code First is the more traditional approach. A project would start by coding the API, and then the API Documentation is generated from the code, typically through tooling in the codebase, such as annotations to automatically generate API documentation from the implementation.

Design First will allow for the API specification to be generated from the design of the API and not the code. This allows the technical team to start writing code, after the design, and after it has been accepted and signed off by all the relevant stakeholders.

As you can see, whilst both these strategies are quite different, both can be considered to be API First.

A deeper dive into the Design First API lifecycle

When using an API Design First approach for any new business input or new feature, the project stakeholders will iterate on a design, agreeing on the API specifications. Business representatives will sit together with Product Owners, and other technical members of the team to define jointly what the API will look like. Some teams may even involve customers at this stage to validate the design.

After a few iterations, the design is approved and signed off, and we will now be able to provide the API documentation. From this documentation we can now generate mock data, as well as code stubs for server implementations or client SDKs, that can be used in the front-end applications. This allows several teams working on different parts of the product to work in parallel.

Pretty interesting, right? Let’s take a look at all of the advantages Design First brings.

Benefits of Design First when developing APIs

A Design First approach provides three key advantages when developing APIs:

  • Faster delivery through improved communications.
  • Fit for purpose, flexible APIs, independent of development constraints.
  • Better enforcement of governance and security.

Faster delivery through improved communications

The first advantage of the Design First approach is to improve communication with all the project stakeholders, from business to technical members, even involving customers where it makes sense. This allows for a rapid feedback loop, being able to iterate quickly over the API definition. By shortening the feedback loop, and increasing visibility, teams are able to mitigate risks, and reduce costs. This provides a nice comparison to the benefits of the Agile methodology versus the V cycle, but extended to the design phase.

Fit for purpose, flexible APIs, independent of development constraints

Another advantage of this approach is that the defined APIs will be more compliant to the client’s need, and more product driven, instead of having APIs that are tied to specific data storage systems, or authentication and permission stacks. This enables an abstraction layer between what the specification the API needs to follow, and what development decisions will be made by the developer. This will provide a significantly better experience for whoever is developing the API as well as the API consumers, who could be either developers at your organization, or external customers.

As we saw earlier, this focus on API documentation before development allows for parallel development, by being able to start both back-end and front-end development at the same time. The availability of mocks also allow for the creation of automated testing.

Better enforcement of governance and security

Last, but not least, designing the API prior to development can help enforce governance and security by defining some global settings and best practices.

Examples of this could be:

  • Naming conventions or case configuration.
  • Default responses depending on the status code.
  • Security headers or authentication required on APIs.

There are tools to apply checks on API specifications: much like you would use a linter on your source code, you can use those tools to enforce quality rules on your APIs.

Looking forward

We will cover in a following blog post what tools are available for Design First approaches, along with what Gravitee.io is doing for low-code, inclusive API design, but for now we’ll wrap up here. We hope you’ve enjoyed this summary on the advantages of Design First API development!

