August: Graviti Release Note

The Graviti Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2021

August New feature Release (2021/8/4–2021/8/30)


New Features

  • Add model evaluation tools Sextant. Sextant supports quick evaluation of data and models, enabling you to gain insight into data quality and model accuracy, and providing references for data quality improvement.
  • Add advanced search. Users can upload Github URL to get the corresponding file and set the file as a filter.
  • Support modifying and conducting quality assurance of labels of 2D Box and 2D Polygon in TeraGood and GroundTruth.

Enhanced Feature

  • Optimize data search. Data search is performed offline now. Users can view the search progress and results and save search results for creating new datasets and so on.

Python SDK New Features

  • Support override and skip strategies in SegmentClient.move_data
  • Add GAS.get_user to get the current user info
  • Support manipulating dataset alias:

-Support getting the dataset alias in GAS.get_dataset

-Support setting the dataset alias in GAS.create_dataset

-Add GAS.update_dataset to update the dataset alias

  • Support setting and showing description in CLI gas draft
  • Add --edit option in CLI gas draft to edit a draft
  • Add --close option in CLI gas draft to close a draft
  • Add draft description to the pop-up editor of gas commit as default message
  • Display the corresponding message after deleting data or a segment in gas rm

Python SDK Interface Adjustments

  • Change the signature of Transform3D.set_rotation and Sensor.set_rotation

Python SDK Improvements

  • Unify the description display logic in gas draft and gas commit
  • Set the file name as "" when posting files to cloud storage
  • Add utility function chunked to break an iterable into length n tuples
  • Set the minimum version of urllib3 back to v1.15

Python SDK Performance

  • Speed up file uploads for fusion dataset in GAS.upload_dataset by adapting OpenAPI multiCallback
  • Speed up file uploads by sending file size to TensorBay
  • Speed up file uploads by enlarging the batch size of multiCallback

Python SDK Documentation

  • Add the docs about --edit and --close option in CLI gas draft
  • Add the docs about CLI “Profile”
  • Refine the docs
  • Fix the typo in docstrings

Python SDK Deprecations

  • Remove the default value of the argument title in VersionControlClient.create_draft
  • Remove the deprecated message about setting AccessKey in gas config


New Features

  • Data storage configuration supports developers to choose different regions and team members to choose different cloud platforms or regions as the default storage configuration.
  • Add data usage statistics function. Users can view the used data volume on the GAS homepage and the assets page.
  • Support data synchronization within GroundTruth Tools. GroundTruth Tools support the 2d/3d fusion labeing tools, and can synchronize the labeing data to Tensorbay.
  • Support booking demo in the GAS home page.

Enhanced Feature

  • Support to select, modify server configuration and record parameters in Action.

Python SDK New Features

  • Support new label types Polygon and Polyline2D, add five label formats:

-Polygon + MultiPolygon + RLE

-Polyline2D + MultiPolyline2D

  • Add the following open dataset loaders:
  • VOC2012Detection
  • VOC2012ActionClassification
  • CCPD & CCPDGreen
  • Add name conflict check for SortedNameList
  • Support setting network request config (is_internal, max_retries, and timeout) in CLI gas config
  • Support to validate the AccessKey and display the user info in CLI gas auth
  • Add --status option for CLI gas auth to display the user and auth info
  • Support displaying error messages for CLI gas auth
  • Add -l option for CLI gas ls to show the total number of resources
  • Add --all option for CLI gas log to show the commits in all branches
  • Add --graph option for CLI gas log to show the graphical commits
  • Set -h as an abbreviation of --help to show CLI help messages

Python SDK Interface Adjustments

  • Remove the path argument in GAS.create_auth_dataset because the path is bound to the cloud storage config

Python SDK Bug Fixes

  • Add a workaround for the issue Chinese characters display garbled in Windows system

Python SDK Improvements

  • Use list comprehension in PointList2D.__init__ instead of for-loop
  • Set None as the default value of the argument alias in GAS.update_dataset
  • Correct the illegal remote paths for RP2K dataset loader
  • Encapsulate the moving segment logic into DatasetClientBase._move_segment
  • Move the deprecation related classes into
  • Stop showing the redundant field name in AttributeInfo .__repr__
  • Cleanup the following useless codes:

-Remove the useless class variable _label_attrs from label related classes

-Remove the useless class SubcatalogTypeRegister

-Remove the useless class LabelType

-Remove the useless type Subcatalogs

Python SDK Documentation

  • Add docs about “Shell Completion” in the “CLI” section
  • Add docs about new label formats Polygon and Polyline2D
  • Add docs about setting network request config in CLI gas config
  • Add docs about --all and --graph options in CLI gas log
  • Fix the typo in docs
  • Refine the docs


TeraGood New Feature

Support editing labels of the fusion dataset in TeraGood

TensorBay Enhanced Feature

The data list is optimized from a one-dimensional list to a two-dimensional list. Users can view more details of the data list via subtables. Support users to switch versions, view information, search, view catalog, show diff and do other operations on the data list page.

Python SDK New Feature

-Support new label types: SemanticMask, InstanceMask and PanopticMask

Python SDK Interface Adjustments

  • Remove the loads method for DataBase, Data and AuthData
  • Add get_callback_body method to replace dumps in Data
  • Add from_response_body method to replace loads in RemoteData & Frame

Python SDK Bug Fixes

  • Add a workaround for MalformedPOSTRequest error when posting files to Aliyun OSS
  • Python SDK Improvements:
  • Add FileMixin and RemoteFileMixin for file-related methods
  • Support setting custom loader and dumper in AttrsMixin

Python SDK Documentation

  • Add docs about SemanticMask, InstanceMask and PanopticMask

