Graviton LP Marathon Month

Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2021

We’re thrilled to announce the big win-win event!

Graviton LP Marathon is aimed at rapid Graviton expansion and GTON adoption across blockchains.


From August 28 to September 27. The results will be announced on September 28.


The competition involves six protocol:

  1. Polygon
  2. Fantom
  3. BSC
  4. Avalanche
  5. Heco
  6. xDAI

To participate follow the steps below.

  1. Create a pool valued at $100, i.e. $50 in GTON and $50 in a quote token. The chosen quote tokens must be included in the top 2000 Coingecko or Coinmarketcap general rating and have a market cap of over $1 million.
  2. Create a picture using the template that includes the GTON logo and the logo of the quote token (TOKEN 2). For your convenience we have prepared different formats of the template.
  3. Submit the pool on Graviton and get an 8-symbol UUID (Unique User ID)
  4. Tweet about the new pool and make sure to:
  • tag involved projects and tokens: @OneGraviton, $GTON, quote token $TOKEN 2, @project (the issue of the TOKEN 2), @AMM on which the pool is created and @Network,
  • add #Graviton hashtag,
  • tag 5 nominees @nickname whom you nominee to create new pools,
  • Include UUID,
  • include a link to the pool in the comment.


5. For nominees: if you were nominated and want to jump on the contest, you should first follow the steps 1, 2, and 3, and then retweet the referred tweet with a comment that follows the instructions from step 4.

Only the first five pools you create will be eligible to participate in the competition and rewards calculation.

The pools for the announced partners’ tokens ( GTON to ANY, ERG, IF, IDIA, SPIRIT, BOO, BAND, FTM, fUSD) are not eligible to participate in the competition and rewards calculation.

All types of tokens (including original tokens of the network, wrapped tokens and stablecoins) are eligible for the pool creation.


  • For each created pool which reaches $1000 in liquidity, the creator of the pool will receive $100 in GTON and 5% from the farming rewards of the LP farm for one month after the alpha launch of the LP farming and Catalyst (at the first days of farming the APY may reach 1000%).
  • 5% of the total rewards ($100 and 5% of the farming rewards for one month of farming) of the five nominees will go to the referrer.
  • Creators of the top 3 biggest pools by value will share the prize pool of $5,000 in GTON:
  • #1 pool creator by value — $3,000
  • #2 and #3 pool creators by value — $1,000 each

About Graviton

Graviton is a multichain liquidity and usability enhancing protocol providing relay swaps infrastructure and farming solutions. The governance of the project is implemented by Graviton DAO. $GTON currently exists on Ethereum, Polygon, Fantom, Avalanche, Heco, xDAI, Solana and BSC.

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a liquidity enhancing protocol providing relay swaps infrastructure and farming solutions. For the GTON Capital concept head over to profile.