Web3 Live Streaming: Last Call to Sign Up for Xeenon’s Phase 1 Beta Test

Troy Murray


Xeenon | Twitter | Discord | Graviton

Seen On Xeenon

Want to help unlock decentralized web3 streaming for creators and fans? Xeenon’s beta is going live on Friday. By participating in Xeenon’s beta program, you’ll help highlight platform bugs and stress test the network.

How to sign up

Join the whitelist by heading over to the testing program opt-in page here: Xeenon Testing Sign Up. The page will remain active until 9am Friday EST. At that point, sign-ups will close and the page will not be displayed.

What’s in it for you

After Xeenon’s mainnet launch, beta testers are the only group of users who will be (1) Allowed to livestream on the platform, (2) Able to create and share platform invitation links to invite new users to the platform, and (3) Given privileged access to try out new Xeenon features before they are rolled out to the public. All we ask is that you provide constructive feedback on your Xeenon experience.

Built with ❤️ on Livepeer and Arbitrum

Xeenon’s backend transcoding and distribution infrastructure is powered by Livepeer, which significantly reduces streaming costs while providing a premium web3 viewing experience. Transactions are processed using Arbitrum, which is a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum and permits increased transaction numbers at lower cost.


Refer to our software documentation to learn more about Xeenon’s features and capabilities.

More information on Telegram and Twitter

For more information about Xeenon’s beta program and to communicate with others testing the platform, join the Xeenon Telegram group. For updates, and to be notified once we publish our findings, follow Xeenon and Graviton on Twitter.


