Gravity Mainnet Alpha Launch with Waves/BSC as target chains

Gravity Protocol
Gravity Protocol
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2020

Today, we announce that Waves and Binance Smart Chain have been integrated as the earliest two mainnet-level networks within the Gravity mainnet alpha.

A couple of weeks ago, the creators of Gravity, the decentralized oracle and cross-chain protocol and network, released an integration test framework in an effort to facilitate the process of integrating Binance Smart Chain and other blockchains as a Gravity target chain. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a public blockchain that runs in parallel with Binance Chain and enables the creation of smart contracts and BNB staking. BSC is fully compatible with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) and supports the rich universe of Ethereum tools and DApps, which makes it easy for developers to port their projects over from Ethereum. In the current crypto market conditions, BSC has been a timely addition, capable of leveraging many opportunities that arise on the DeFi front, therefore making it a prominent candidate for integrating into the Gravity network.

The first alpha product built on top of Gravity is SuSy, a protocol and interface for crosschain gateways with the Waves as origin and Binance Smart Chain as the destination chain. During the latest Gravity AMA, a testnet-based demo was presented to bring the audience up to speed with the concept of SuSy crosschain swaps. SuSy mainnet alpha is currently live at and provides an interface that allows users to swap USDN tokens from Waves into BSC. USDNs on BSC incorporate an identical functionality as on Ethereum, including auto-staking, elastic supply, and staking rewards that are automatically distributed among all holders. Moreover, those who hold their USDNs in the initially supported liquidity pools, such as Pancake Swap, StableX and BurgerSwap, can also expect to be rewarded for the important work of providing liquidity.

Note: the staking reward distribution is fully implemented on the smart contract but will only begin in a couple of days.

In addition to USDN, all major tokens of the Waves ecosystem, such as NSBT, WEST, ERGO and SIGN will eventually be “swapable” on the portal. In the future, all tokens issued through the SuSy gateway will be made available on popular AMM services such Pancake Swap, Stablex and BurgerSwap.

Warning. Please read this carefully before proceeding with the swap:

The current version of Gravity swap has not yet undergone a security audit, which is scheduled for the coming months. We kindly call on our community to become involved in the bug bounty and testing of this alpha version using the smallest possible swap amounts. For the most critical vulnerabilities found, you may be rewarded in proportion to the severity of risk associated with the vulnerability etc. Please submit your findings using this form. Also, it is important to note at this point the system retains a large number of centralized elements, including nodes that are controlled by the team which retains access to private keys. Therefore, a major task for the Gravity beta is to decentralize the system in its entirety.

At this point, the system is compatible with Metamask set up to work with BSC: you can use the Metamask on BSC Guide to properly set up your extension.

The future Gravity updates will include integration of Tron and other target chains, and a native integration of the Binance Wallet. Stay tuned.

For more information, you can read the Gravity Whitepaper, visit the Gravity website, join the community on Twitter or Telegram or contact



Gravity Protocol
Gravity Protocol

Gravity is a blockchain-agnostic cross-chain communication and data oracles protocol.