Gravity SuSy introduces pools on PancakeSwap

Shamil Khalilov
Gravity Protocol
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2021

Recently, Gravity Protocol team has launched the mainnet alpha of SuSy dApp, that previously allowed users to swap WAVES-based tokens between Waves and Binance Smart Chain. Today, we announce pools on PancakeSwap, the first AMM and yield farm on Binance Smart Chain.

This article describes how swaps are conducted on PancakeSwap and is divided into two guides:

  1. How to swap on PancakeSwap.
  2. How to add liquidity to a pool, using the NSBT/USDN pool.

How to swap on PancakeSwap

Warning. Please read this carefully before proceeding with the swap:

Firstly, you should make a cross-chain transfer, transferring your NSBT or USDN to your specified BSC address. Consider checking these manuals:

  1. Direct Swap
  2. Reverse Swap

They provide the exact steps that you need to take to swap tokens in both directions.

Once you successfully transfer your NSBT or USDN to a BSC address, you should add the wrapped tokens in the PancakeSwap interface. Make sure that the BSC Ticker is identical to the ticker you see in the PancakeSwap interface.

Address reference

Here, the USDN wrapped token address is pasted and added. Please repeat the same steps with NSBT.

Entering the wrapped USDN address

Once you add both wrapped tokens, you will be able to get quick access to them via PancakeSwap.

Both tokens are shown as added by user

After selecting both of the tokens, you are now able to perform the swap. This procedure is easy and identical to how it is done on Uniswap.

Swap tokens

How to add liquidity to a pool based on the NSBT/USDN pool as example

Warning. Please read this carefully before adding liquidity:

PancakeSwap allows users to share links for adding liquidity to specific pools.

Supply liquidity

Above is a link to NSBT/USDN pool. Once you open it, you will be offered to supply tokens. Please ensure you have enough of the tokens, and in the right proportion to add liquidity.

Supply tokens screen


The current version of Gravity swap has not yet undergone a security audit, which is scheduled for the coming months. We kindly call on our community to become involved in the bug bounty and testing of this alpha version using the smallest possible swap amounts. For the most critical vulnerabilities found, you may be rewarded in proportion to the severity of risk associated with the vulnerability etc. Please submit your findings using this form. Also, it is important to note at this point the system retains a large number of centralized elements, including nodes that are controlled by the team which retains access to private keys. Therefore, a major task for the Gravity beta is to decentralize the system in its entirety.

At this point, the system is compatible with Metamask set up to work with BSC: you can use the Metamask on BSC Guide to properly set up your extension.

The future Gravity updates will include integration of Tron and other target chains, and a native integration of the Binance Wallet.

For more information, you can read the Gravity Whitepaper, visit the Gravity website, join the community on Twitter or Telegram or contact

