Route 53 to route traffic to an S3 bucket , when both the services are in different AWS accounts.

Simran Kaur Kahlon
Gray Matrix
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2019

A very complicated title with a short and sweet implementation.

My current scenario deals with having 2 different accounts on AWS .

Here , I assume that you have a Hosted Zone created and a S3 bucket with Static Web Hosting enabled .

Account 1- Has a Hosted Zone in Route 53.

Account 2- Has an S3 bucket with static web hosting enabled.

  • Will start with Route 53 , click the services drop down from the AWS Console and select Route 53 which is placed under Networking & Content Delivery.
  • Click on the Hosted Zones , from the left navigation pane.
  • Select the hosted zone that has the domain name that you want to use to route traffic to your S3 bucket.
  • The “Go to Record Sets” button is disabled in the above image since I had not selected the hosted zone .
  • Once you select a Hosted Zone , the option would be enabled for you to select .
  • On clicking , it will show you all the record sets for the selected Hosted Zone .
  • You can select “Create Record Set” .
  • Next you need to add these details :
  1. Name : The domain name that you wish to use to route traffic to S3 bucket . The default being your hosted zone name .

Hosted Zone name : “”

S3 bucket name : “”

Record name : “dummy”

2. Type : Select A-IPv4 Address from the drop down.

3. Alias : Choose Yes.

4. Alias Target : The region where your S3 bucket is located .You can get the exact name of the region from the Website Endpoint column in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Website Endpoints . (My S3 bucket is located in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) and it corresponds to :

5. Routing Policy : Choose the one which is applicable .

6. Evaluate Target Health : Keep it as default.

7. Choose Create.

According to the AWS Documentation , the changes generally propagate to all Route 53 servers within 60 seconds , but for me it took couple of minutes .

If everything is configured correctly , Route 53 would start routing traffic to your S3 bucket.

With this , we are good to go .

Please get in touch in case of any queries …




Simran Kaur Kahlon
Gray Matrix

JS/ Laravel / AWS / Chatbot Developer #AWS Solution Architect Associate #AWS Developer Associate