Today I’m grateful for cafes open at 6am

Charles Logan
Great Fool
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2017

You’d be surprised just how many people are floating around at 6am looking for coffee or breakfast. People are working harder and longer these days and I’ve got the proof: about 6 years ago I used to catch the city-bound train at 6am to get in to work at 7 and the train was near-empty, I could throw my hands up in the air and wave them around like I just didn’t care, and on occasions I did. But I changed jobs and came back to it a couple of years later and the exact same carriage at the exact same time was like Times Square. I couldn’t throw my hands in the air even if I wanted to. Don’t try to argue with the evidence, it’s airtight.

6:03am Epping — Flinders Street Station (2011)

6:03 Epping to Flinders Street Station (2017)

look what we’ve become

7am is a fairly standard opening time and to be honest I’ve got no real qualms with it. It’s just that if they opened at 6am they’d be King Dick of the early-risers; a title worthy of any corner office. And while we’re on the topic, the 7:30am opening time is one of the more ridiculous things I have seen in my time as a professional superstar. If you can open at 7:30 you can open at 7. We’ve all had our fair share of awkward moments out the front of cafes at 7:28am with the other early-rising ragamuffins, including the multiple walk-past with the sheepish peer-in; it’s brutal.

*whispers under breath* It’s 7:32 for the record

I’m grateful for cafes open at 6am because life is hard enough as it is.

