GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching Services

Professional Coaching Services for Breakthrough Performance, Transformative Achievement, and Empowering Leadership


Coaching for Individual Clients

Professional Performance, Achievement, and Leadership Coaching Services are provided for individual, private clients, including, solopreneurs, business leaders, new career seekers, salespeople, managers, directors, ambitious individuals, high-achievers, at-home workers, self-employed, sole proprietors, creatives, and consultants.

For standard one-to-one coaching, a Client meets with a Coach by phone or in-person confidentially for 90-minute meetings at least as often as once every three weeks. During meetings, Client and Coach create continuous improvement by consistently evaluating, re-evaluating and evolving an ongoing Achievement Agenda. Meeting locations and times are arranged as appropriate. A coaching service agreement defining terms of service is provided.

Individual Client Pricing to Reserve Scheduled Coaching Meeting Programs


  • 30–45 minutes: A no-risk, no-fee, and no strings-attached collaboration between you and a coach to explore, evaluate and solve your most costly dilemma or create a breakthrough for your most ambitious vision for the future. The Promise of the THE CHALLENGE CALL is: You will leave inspired with a new path forward. You are invited to take advantage of THE CHALLENGE CALL for your very own breakthrough with the challenge that matters most to you! Call or text: (407) 796–8362. Cost: FREE

Option 1x

  • One 4-hour meeting (with 5 short breaks) reserved and scheduled as a “one-off” engagement: $475

Option 4x

  • Four 90-minute meetings reserved and
    scheduled every other week (over 8–12 weeks*):
    $1,400 (Meeting rate: $350.)

Option 8x

  • Eight 90-minute meetings reserved and
    scheduled every other week (over 16–20 weeks*):
    $2,560 (Meeting rate: $320.)

Option 12x

  • Twelve 90-minute meetings reserved and
    scheduled every other week (over 24–32 weeks*):
    $3,120 (Meeting rate: $260.)

Option 24x

  • Twenty-four 90-minute meetings reserved and
    scheduled every other week (over 48 weeks*):
    $4,800(Meeting rate: $200.)

Individual Client 52-week “Priority, On-call” Coaching Programs Terms and Pricing

  • Priority, On-call Session within 2–3 business days:
    $2,500 deposit Week 1; additional $1,500 by Week 5; final payment of $1,500 by Week 10.
  • Priority, On-call Session within 24 hours weekdays:
    $2,500 deposit Week 1; additional $2,500 by Week 5; final payment of $2,500 by Week 10.
  • Priority, On-call Call-back within 4–6 hours weekdays:
    $2,500 deposit Week 1; additional $4,500 by Week 5; final payment of $4,500 by Week 10.
  • Priority, On-call Session within 24 hours weekdays and weekends:
    $2,500 deposit Week 1; additional $4,500 by Week 5; final payment of $4,500 by Week 10.
  • Priority, On-call Call-back within 4–6 hours weekdays and weekends:
    $2,500 deposit Week 1; additional $6,500 by Week 5; final payment of $6,500 by Week 10.

Individual Client Alternative & Customized Coaching Programs

B. Y. O. R. & B. (“Bring Your Own Requirements & Budget”)

What specialized or unique circumstances, timeline, or arrangements do you require to take advantage of coaching? What investments in time, attention, and finances are you willing to make with your future at-stake? What is your experience of living empowered and fulfilled in life, career/business, and relationships worth to you?

  • Inform us of your specialized timeline, location, and/or financial investment/budget requirements.
  • Then we will provide to you a coaching plan that provides the greatest possible coaching value that I can offer to best align with your specialized requirements and budget.
  • Please do not be discouraged about whether your circumstances are unique or whether you feel that you can “afford” coaching. We are committed to helping you get coaching if you are committed to having it! We will collaborate to figure out how to have coaching happen for you.
  • Together, we can take-on anything and achieve the extraordinary!

Coaching Services for Teams, Business, and Organizations

GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching Gives Your Team a Competitive Edge and Fosters Greater Emergent Value for Your Business

What is a 10% increase in productivity, sales, or revenue worth to you and your business? How about 20%? Or 30%? What if you could improve the effectiveness and productivity of the most critical members of your business by even 10%? What is that worth in additional revenues, costs-savings, and ROI?

You can’t afford to pass up an opportunity to ensure the success of your business — and increase the value of your employees’ efforts

  • Studies show that over 50 percent of decisions fail because they are quickly abandoned, are implemented only partially, or are never adopted at all.
  • 50 percent of all company projects are abandoned.
  • Yet, 91 percent of business people are as confident as ever in their ability to make decisions.
  • What’s more, though most decision-makers trust themselves, they trust the judgment of less than half of their peers.

In summary: Decision confidence is up and ego is as strong as ever while trust in each other is actually down. Ultimately, decision-making and project-success rates are dismally unacceptable!

Achieve Breakthroughs in Teamwork and Extraordinary Results

Achievement Coaching for individuals and teams results in:

  • Increased leverage of time.
  • Better allocation of resources.
  • Strategic decisions.
  • Mapping products and services to targeted business results.
  • Systems and habits that lead to professional, business, and lifestyle empowerment.
  • Solutions to critical problems.
  • Choosing the best priorities.
  • More desirable results and measurable improvements.
  • Doing more with less.

Business- and Organization-wide Achievement Coaching Plans

Investing in a Business- and Organization-wide Coaching plan, you only have progress to gain. Using Achievement Coaching throughout your company could be called a “Productivity-Wellness Program” for your team(s) or group…

  • Employees who use coaching are less likely to burn-out, take fewer leaves of absence due to stress, and avoid making questionable or unethical choices adversely affecting the company’s bottom line.
  • People use coaching as a safe, insightful, and efficient way to try-out new ideas — before spending too much of the company’s time, resources and budgets.
  • Employees using coaching can avoid many traditional medical or psychotherapeutic options for dealing with stress and critical business, career, and lifestyle challenges that can ultimately drive-up company health insurance costs.
  • A Company-wide Achievement Coaching Plan provides employees with reliable on-site access to a performance and achievement specialist who is professional, broadly knowledgeable, trustworthy, unbiased, fun, enthusiastic, and whole-heartedly dedicated to the achievement of the individual employee, as well as, the company.

Business- and Organization-wide Coaching plans can be custom-designed to fit your business size and objectives. Typically, a COMPREHENSIVE GROUP or TEAMWORK ACHIEVEMENT COACHING PLAN includes…

  • Coaching of top-tier executives; and defining targets for successful outcomes for the business to result from a Coaching Plan.
  • Coaching of managers and supervisors; and defining milestones for successful outcomes within departments and operating areas to result from a Coaching Plan.
  • Promotion to staff throughout the organization about coaching availability followed by direct coaching to frontline employees and general staff.
  • Ultimately, coaching continues routinely at all levels of the business with ongoing monitoring and re-evaluation of the success of the Coaching Plan.

Standard Business Coaching Plan Options

For INDIVIDUALS AT YOUR BUSINESS (executives, key decision-makers, managers, ambitious salespeople):

Business 1x

  • One 4-hour meeting (with 5 short breaks) reserved
    and scheduled as a “one-off” engagement:
    $625 (plus expenses as applicable)

Business 3x

  • Three 90-minute meetings reserved and
    scheduled every other week (over 6–12 weeks*):
    $1,500 (plus expenses as applicable)

Business 6x

  • Six 90-minute meetings reserved and
    scheduled every other week (over 12–20 weeks*):
    $2,400 (plus expenses as applicable)

Choose a TEAM PLAN to sustain ongoing transformative change for your business:

Reserve ongoing Achievement Coaching for three of the most critical members of your team or business…

  • Three sets of six (eighteen total) 90-minute meetings,
    every other week for twelve weeks:
    $6,500 (plus expenses as applicable)

Team, Business and Organization Coaching Custom and Special Arrangements

Special arrangements and scaled savings are available when developing an ongoing and customized ​team, business, or organization coaching plan.

■ Achieve Breakthrough Performance, Transformative Achievement, and Empowering Leadership
BOOK NOW for Private Coaching, Team Coaching, or Event Engagements at
■ Featuring ACHIEVEMENT COACH GREG KILGORE ■ (407) 796–8362



Achievement Coach Greg Kilgore

Coaching for Breakthrough Performance, Transformative Achievement, and Empowering Leadership • 407.796.8362 •