GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching’s ACHIEVEMENT ACCELERATION VIRTUAL WORKGROUPS program revolutionizes accessibility to Achievement Coaches and leading-edge methods for altering human performance and boosting individual achievement — offered for innovatively-designed value-for-cost pricing to disrupt the personal development marketplace.

Join an ‘ACHIEVEMENT ACCELERATION’ VIRTUAL WORKGROUP for ongoing coaching and transformational progress

What do you want to achieve? Your ‘ACHIEVEMENT ACCELERATION’ VIRTUAL WORKGROUP provides you coach-led, collaborative, year-round/twice-monthly, dial-in and virtual-conference workshops — priced to be accessible to all aspiring achievers!

Achievement Coach Greg Kilgore


GREAT FUTURE NOW’s ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups program is a revolution in accessibility to Human Performance Development for Personal and Business Transformations and Individual Achievement

GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching’s new Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroup program revolutionizes accessibility to:

  • your own professional workgroup coach;
  • an integrated (“best-of-all-worlds”) cross-discipline workgroup format;
  • leading-edge, case-proven performance-altering techniques;
  • an innovatively-designed value-for-cost pricing model for services;
  • and a GREAT FUTURE NOW Achievement Coach to facilitate and support your achievement of ongoing breakthrough results.


‘ACHIEVEMENT ACCELERATION’ VIRTUAL WORKGROUPS are a Cost-Effective and Easy-to-access Program Providing Ongoing Coaching for Individuals

Call or text 407.796.8362 or request a scheduled meeting directly online for your free, no-pressure Pre-group Consultation to decide for yourself if an Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroup can support you to accomplish your goals and achieve transformation in areas of life and career that matter most to you.

Top-level Subject Areas for Workgroup Themes

  • Personal Fulfillment
  • Self-improvement and Empowerment
  • Human Performance Effectiveness
  • Career
  • Business
  • Leadership
  • Money and Finance
  • Creativity
  • Relationships
  • Communication
  • Life Coaching and Lifestyle
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • B.Y.O. Agenda (“Bring Your Own” Projects, Goals, or Special Interests)

Unique and Powerful Benefits & Features of ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups

  • Workgroups are formatted with leading-edge, case-proven, human performance-altering techniques. Led by your workgroup coach, Achievement Workgroups leverage the benefits of group dynamics while supporting you for empowerment, focus, and effectiveness to accomplish your objectives and goals.
  • Of course, your Achievement Acceleration Coach is a professional workgroup leader and expert of the GREAT FUTURE Now Coaching transformative collaboration methodologies.
  • Pricing for workgroup membership is designed to disrupt the marketplace for high-priced coaching exclusively accessible by executives and those with ‘disposable income.’ For as little as $38.99 monthly (month-to-month, recurring monthly), you can attend two 90-minute, coach-led workgroup sessions each month. (You can learn a lot more about the Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups program pricing by browsing the PRICING section of the Program Featured Highlights Pre-2022 posted article below this 2022 update.)
  • Ninety-minute, coach-led meetings are scheduled twice monthly, typically on the 1st and 3rd or the 2nd and 4th weeks of every month indefinitely.
  • Workgroups remain mostly static with the same twice-monthly returning group members — great for coach-led personal development, interpersonal and professional networking, and mastermind-style group sharing — all in one coaching program!

“When I participate in a GREAT FUTURE NOW Workgroup, it’s like I’m a member of a ‘Co-op for My Success’!”

Still want to learn more before contacting us?

We’ve got you covered! You can learn a lot more about the Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups program by browsing the plethora of additional information in the Program Featured Highlights Pre-2022 posted article below this 2022 update. Topics of particular interest that will still be highly relevant are: Program Features; Workshop Format; Workgroup Themes (i.e., topic areas); Terms of Service; and of course our innovatively-designed value-for-cost Pricing.

New ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups are always launching. Don’t wait to start your achievement acceleration today!

Ready now to start your easy onboarding into a workgroup for your area of interest?

Pre-register now to begin your membership enrollment into an Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroup when you visit the GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching Events portal.

What you will need when we contact you for your Membership Enrollment conversation:

  • your calendar
  • credit or debit card
  • billing address
  • email address
  • mobile phone #

Still thinking about it? Let’s explore and discuss your interests and needs…

Call or text 407.796.8362 or request a scheduled meeting directly online to learn more about Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups membership during your no-fee, private Pre-group Consultation. Decide for yourself to accomplish your goals and achieve performance transformation in ways that matter most to you.

■ Achieve Breakthrough Performance, Transformative Achievement, and Empowering Leadership
BOOK NOW for Private Coaching, Team Coaching, or Event Engagements at
■ Featuring ACHIEVEMENT COACH GREG KILGORE ■ (407) 796–8362


Introducing the GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups Program

If you are considering whether to apply for membership into one of our Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups, then please read on to discover whether this is the right program for you. If you’re so inclined, you’re always welcome to call or text 407.796.8362 or request a scheduled meeting directly online to learn more about Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups membership during your no-fee, private Pre-group Consultation.

Achievement Coach Greg Kilgore and GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching are profoundly proud to offer our best-in-class Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups program providing a breakthrough format and methodology for altering human performance and achieving breakout results. Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups feature coach-led workshopping year-round with two workshops per month, a unique virtual-group structure, and made extraordinarily accessible to the public with marketplace-disrupting pricing. The revolutionary mission of GREAT FUTURE NOW Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups is to make professional coaching for performance development and individual achievement so affordable that the benefits — whether for business strategy, career advancement, performance improvement, leadership development, life coaching, more rewarding relationships, unleashed creativity, or greater productivity — will be accessible virtually and financially affordable to virtually anyone.

GREAT FUTURE NOW Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups are workshop-style, interactive small-group conference calls the 1st and 3rd or the 2nd and 4th weeks of every month indefinitely. Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups are the greatest value-for-price long-term investment you will ever make for your effectiveness, accountability, productivity, and creativity. Workgroups are led by experienced professionals and coaches with expertise and experience ranging in workgroup-themed subject areas from…

  • “Career Transition” and “Business Growth” to…
  • “Sales” and “Project Management” as well as…
  • “Lifestyle Design” and…
  • “Unleashing Potential for Professional Creatives.”

What is the “special sauce” (a.k.a., just a brief mention of technical pedagogy lingo) that goes into the GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups?

The leading-edge format of our Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups program is grounded in GREAT FUTURE NOW’s extensive application of the principles and methodologies of “The Three Laws of Performance” adapted for individual and team coaching engagements, as well as, Greg’s experience as an Achievement Coach adapting and integrating cross-discipline principles, techniques, and methods, such as, the Human Performance Technology (HPT) model, Appreciative Inquiry, Cognitive Behavioral interventions, Emotional Intelligence, Imago relationship communication, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Critical Conversations, businessThink, adult learning styles, human psychology, personality assessments, cultural anthropology, and various other disciplines with his clients over a span 20 years.

Notably, Achievement Coach Greg Kilgore was certified in 2003 by the American Society for Training and Development in partnership with the International Society for Performance Improvement as a “Certified Performance Technologist (CPT)” acknowledging him for a career of excellence and ethical propriety as an HPT professional.

How do you know if being a member of a GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroup is right for you?

What you’re dealing with before you become a member of a GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroup

  • Working solo is disempowering and uninspiring, sometimes even lonely and depressing, for many people… At GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching we know this: Do-It-Yourself Self-improvement or Self-help can only ever get you so far. How many self-help books have you read or TED Talks have you watched that have not really ever resulted in a long-lasting difference?
  • On the other hand, leading a business, team, or organization can often be a lonely and disconnected place to be… Your effectiveness, productivity, brainstorming often needs to be discreet and out of the view of others until you are ready to share your plans and breakthroughs.
  • There are automatic ways of thinking and behaving that some people call habits. Whether you think of them as habits, mental-programming, psychological quirks, or subconscious beliefs, your performance at work, play or in love will never alter for the better without identifying what holds you back and transforming the contexts that have always led you astray from the future you want for yourself.
  • If only you could master your clarity of awareness, focus on your objectives, inspirational vision of your future, and empowerment for action, then you could perform boldly and joyful!

What do you achieve as a member of a GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroup?

  • Clarity, focus, wisdom, and empowerment that can only come from being coached by a Professional Achievement Coach
  • Accountability to accomplish goals
  • Leaps forward in effectiveness, creativity, and productivity
  • Insights and ideas that can only come from collaborative team brainstorming (a.k.a., “Mastermind” groups)
  • Long-standing, unrecognizable shifts in attitude, confidence, capacity, and competency
  • Improved satisfaction and fulfillment with endeavors and accomplishments
  • Previously-unpredictable results

Additional benefits of participating with your workgroup include:

  • Networking with like-minded people
  • Facilitation of “Mastermind-style” group sharing and cross-pollination of insights and ideas
  • Sometimes even new friendships and long-lasting acquaintances forged in the spirit of community and transformational values

Are you ready to transform how you relate to your present, past, and future?

  • What are breakthroughs in your performance and achievement worth to you?
  • Are you committed to a new way forward?
  • Can you be “coachable”? Will you take-on trying-out what is proposed by your Workgroup Coach with an open-mindedness to ‘see how it goes for you’ — and a willingness to share your triumphs and challenges? Likewise, will you have an enlightened and resilient willingness to try something new when earlier techniques or methods aren’t the right fit for you?
  • Will you dedicate the time required to discover what needs to be realized and to accomplish your vision?
  • Will you dig deep to get down to what is really missing or in-the-way?
  • Will you be honest — with your workgroup, with yourself?
  • Will you keep your promises? Can you give-up making yourself or others “wrong” about broken promises? Then get back on-track to re-promise with integrity?
  • Will you get back on track when you lose your way? (Hint: Remember to contact your Workgroup Coach to find your way back to your commitments!)

GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups PROGRAM FEATURES

  • Conference-call or Video-conference meeting duration: 90 minutes (includes two 4-minute breaks) Optional video-conference feature. Also, web-based group-work collaboration tools and mobile device apps!
  • Your Workgroup meets two (2) times each month; 24 times during the year… Typically scheduled for the 1st week and 3rd week of each month or on the 2nd week and 4th week of each month. (Rare alterations in the schedule will occur due to national holidays.)
  • Ideal workgroup membership size varies from 4 to 8 participants.
  • At each workshop, every Workgroup member will have an opportunity to briefly and succinctly declare out-loud your most notable challenge or objective that you intend to be your focus or inquiry-for-discovery for that workshop.
  • In your Workgroup’s first workshop of the month, during each of three 30-minute segments of the workshop, each one of three members of the Workgroup will be able to share a challenge or objective so that it will be “featured” that week and receive insights from the Coach and perhaps also from other members of the Workgroup for the edification of all members.
  • In your Workgroup’s second workshop of the month, during each of three 30-minute segments of the workshop, each one of the three members of the Workgroup who were not featured the previous week will be able to share a challenge or objective in order to receive insights from the Coach and perhaps also from other members of the Workgroup for the edification of all members.
  • Initially, during the soft launch pilot-program, Workgroup members will be emailed the contact information for fellow group members; and all members are encouraged to forge value-driven relationships and collaborative partnerships when appropriate.
  • The GREAT FUTURE NOW Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups program innovates often to bring you web-based and/or mobile app groupwork features to facilitate ease of collaboration among workgroup members, as well as, across the GREAT FUTURE NOW Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups ever-expanding network of Coaches and Workgroups.
  • Members of a GREAT FUTURE NOW Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroup are entitled to request to schedule at least one private, one-on-one “10-minute Breakthrough with a Coach” phone call per month. This benefit is currently included with a recurring payment or pre-paid Workgroup membership registration.
  • Members of a GREAT FUTURE NOW Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroup are also entitled to request to schedule extended private individual collaboration with a Coach; and, in doing so, we will apply a Workgroup member’s account balance as a credit toward the additional fees for extended private individual collaboration with a Coach. See more details under our pricing section.

‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups WORKSHOP (“Workgroup Meeting”) FORMAT

(Be prepared to gain the greatest-possible value from your Workgroup workshops!)

  • Ready your mindset to be “coachable” = “I am able and willing to be coached… It’s not that I am doing anything wrong… I am merely being asked to ‘try on’ an alternative point-of-view or strategy.”
  • Ready your mindset to: Listen with the intent of discovering insights for yourself when others share, and also listen to contribute a unique and valuable insight to another member. Take notes so that you can follow-up with the Coach or other members after and outside of the workshop. Connect. Collaborate. Partner. Build relationships. Contribute to others. Ask for support and insights. Request additional coaching. Be transparent, open, yet concise. Practice getting to the ‘heart’ of the matter.
  • Ready your mindset to: Be passionate for what matters to you. Anticipate enjoying the workshop. Anticipate enjoying getting to know your Workgroup and your Coach.
  • Be prepared to dial-in before start time so that you be effectively on-the-line by start time for the workshop.
  • Be prepared to participate in a quiet, undistracted setting dedicated to your attention and focus on the workgroup and coach ensuring the attentive and undistracted participation of all group members listening-in on the conference call or video conference.
  • Learn how to manage your phone or computer’s microphone mute feature in consideration of an occasion where you may be noise in the background while you are connected to the workshop audio stream.
  • Learn how to manage your phone or computer software’s other relevant features to maximize your connection to and participation during workshops, as well as, after workshops for additional value-added collaborations with workgroup members.
  • Be prepared to share plainly, succinctly, and honestly when asked to express your interests or insights.
  • Be prepared to take notes with plenty of space to brainstorm, free-associate, sketch, design, or generate plans on paper, computer, or mobile device.
  • Prior to your first-time participation in a group, be prepared to complete a brief questionnaire for your coach to familiarize himself/herself with you and your goals.

TERMS OF SERVICE for GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching’s ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups Program

(Not tiny font. Not hidden from view. Just straight talk…)

  • If you have concerns about professional or industry competition, confidentiality, harassment, or any other foreseeable conflicts, you are directed to contact your Coach immediately, directly, and privately.
  • We will make all best efforts to thoughtfully consider, address, and perhaps accommodate your concerns with best practices and to the best of our ability.
  • We do not offer any assurances or promises of non-disclosure, privacy, confidentiality, or non-compete provisions.
  • We do not condone harassment or discrimination, and we will abide by all laws set forth to address such issues.
  • We do not provide refunds; in the instance of billing mistakes due to our error(s), we will offer credit for services.
  • We retain the right to alter pricing, features, format, and terms of service without the consent or notice of clientele and customers.
  • We offer no warranty or guarantees of service, and we promise no explicit results or quality of service. However, it is mission to leave every client better-off for having benefited from our services.
  • If you have a legitimate concern, we are here to listen with the intent to understand and to achieve a mutually- and wholly-satisfactory resolution. We value you, and we want you to gain extraordinary value from our services.
  • We appreciate testimonials and referrals, and we understand that it is up to our team to earn accolades by serving you respectfully and with integrity.

GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups are open and/or launching now with these WORKGROUP THEMES


  • Personal Money Goals and Financial Planning
  • Organizational Financial Planning
  • Individual Investing


  • Career Transition for the Unemployed
  • Career Transition for the Currently Employed
  • Goals and Projects for the Self-employed
  • On-the-job Mastery and Satisfaction


  • Business-to-Business Referral-sharing and Networking
    (consists of varying, non-competition professionals)
  • Project Management Strategies
  • Solopreneurism and Sole Proprietorship Business Growth
  • Work-at-Home Business Growth
  • Small- to Mid-size Business Growth
  • Startup Business Success and Growth
  • Sales Performance and Achievement
  • Executive Performance and Leadership
  • Financing a Business & Raising Capital
  • The Virtual Board of Directors Forum
  • Product Development Brainstorming Workgroup
  • Business Growth Mastermind Forum


  • Living Life Fulfilled and Engaged
  • Lifestyle by Design
  • Integrating Mind, Body and Spirit


  • Sustaining Love, Partnership, and Romance
  • Sustaining Family Harmony and Joy


  • Discovering and Exploring Creative Empowerment
  • Writing Projects, Book-writing, Authoring
  • Unleashing Creativity for Professional Creatives & Artists

B.Y.O. Agenda (“Bring Your Own” Projects, Goals, or Special Interests)

  • Productivity & Time Management
  • Special Projects
  • Propose a Workgroup theme!
  • Special Interest Organization-dedicated Workgroup (Let’s create it!)

PRICING for GREAT FUTURE NOW ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroups

  • $38.99 monthly:
    Month-to-month, recurring monthly, cancel anytime, no refunds
  • $89.97 (avg. $29.99/mo.):
    3-month pre-pay, recurring every 3 months, cancel anytime, no refunds
  • $136.50 (avg. $22.75/mo.):
    6-month pre-pay, recurring every 6 months, cancel anytime, no refunds
    When you refer a member who registers into any group, you earn a 50% pricing “bonus” (i.e., chargeback credit on your subscription) starting with the first month following your referral’s first payment and subsequently each month thereafter up to a total of 3 months if your referral remains registered during your 3-month bonus period.
  • “TWO-FER” 3-MONTH DISCOUNT offer for Joining with a Buddy:
    Join today with another person and each receive a 30% pricing discount for up to 3 months.
  • “TWO-FER” 6-MONTH DISCOUNT offer for Joining with a Buddy for Pre-paid 6-Month Subscriptions:
    Join today with another person for a 6-month pre-paid one-time payment, then each receive the 30% discount off the 6-month pre-paid one-time payment!
    GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching plans to launch a Patreon campaign to establish scholarship funding for U.S.A. Military Veterans, unemployed displaced workers, unemployed workers rebounding from healthcare-related bankruptcy, those struggling with all-too-common emotional and life-circumstance challenges, and others who may qualify for financial support with specific unique financial constraints. (These funds will only be applied to pay for the costs of employing Coaches and essential operating costs. No profits will be derived from these funds!) Call or text 407.796.8362 for more about this option!
  • Members of a GREAT FUTURE NOW Virtual Achievement Workgroup are entitled to request to schedule extended private individual collaboration with a Coach. In doing so, we will apply a Workgroup Member’s account balance as a credit toward the additional fees for extended private individual collaboration with a Coach.

Ready now to start your easy onboarding into a workgroup for your area of interest?

Pre-register now to begin your membership enrollment into an Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroup when you visit the GREAT FUTURE NOW Coaching Events portal.

What you will need when we contact you for your Membership Enrollment conversation:

  • your calendar
  • credit or debit card
  • billing address
  • email address
  • mobile phone #

Still thinking about whether a ‘Achievement Acceleration’ Virtual Workgroup is right for you? Let’s explore and discuss your interests and needs…

Call or text 407.796.8362 or request a scheduled meeting directly online to learn more about Achievement Acceleration Virtual Workgroups membership during your no-fee, private Pre-group Consultation. Decide for yourself to accomplish your goals and achieve performance transformation in ways that matter most to you.

■ Achieve Breakthrough Performance, Transformative Achievement, and Empowering Leadership
BOOK NOW for Private Coaching, Team Coaching, or Event Engagements at
■ Featuring ACHIEVEMENT COACH GREG KILGORE ■ (407) 796–8362



Achievement Coach Greg Kilgore

Coaching for Breakthrough Performance, Transformative Achievement, and Empowering Leadership • 407.796.8362 •