In Defence of Artificial Grass

Ciara Rafter
Great Grass
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2016

Every now and then I hear claims that artificial grass is nothing compared to the real thing. As with all things in life, these people have their points and reasons, but let us not forget that there are always two sides to every story, and in the same way real grass may work better for some individuals, artificial grass suits other people’s lifestyles better.

Here are six reasons somebody may choose artificial grass over real grass:

1. Maintenance free

Artificial grass being completely maintenance free is a big plus for many people. For full time workers, or just generally busy people who have a serious lack of free time, this is a very appealing way of getting around their battle of wanting a nice garden but lacking the time to maintain it. Thanks to artificial turf, there will never be any nagging feelings of knowing it’s time to mow the lawn. All year long you will have the luxury of enjoying the view of your garden without having to schedule the upkeep of it in your diary.

2. Durability

As mentioned, artificial turf does not have just one season where it shines — it will stay as green, soft and well-kept all year round no matter the weather or usage of it, so there is no need to worry about your turf becoming worn or its initial effect not lasting.

3. Safety

If you have children, as a parent you want to make sure their immediate surroundings are as safe as possible. Nature is great, and this is one of the reasons people are stubborn to appreciate the perks of artificial grass, for the fear of under appreciating nature. Where I stand on this conundrum is here: nature is all around us, and I visit a park, a field or a forest a few times a week. Gardens with artificial grass can still be filled with nature. A flower filled garden will add nature and colour, so you have the best of both worlds. Artificial grass can decrease hay fever, making the garden a less stressful place to be in the summer months. As well as this, there will be no grass burns on your children’s knees from rolling around the garden, or grass stains on clothes that never disappear, no matter how many washes the garment undergoes.

4. Pet-friendly

Another perk of artificial turf is its safety for pets as well as its ease for you when cleaning up the aftermath of your dog’s mess. If you have a dog, you will know their constant curiosity for any open space — sniffing, licking, trying to eat anything, no matter how inedible whatever they have found may be. With no need for fertilisers, the threat of making your dog ill is vanished. In terms of cleaning up your dog’s mess, artificial grass makes this as simple as possible; liquids go seep straight through the grass and faeces are easy to clean up, leaving no mess or smell on your turf.

5. Sports

If you are a big sports person, you will know there are many commercial artificial grass uses in this industry. For football pitches to tennis courts and golf courses, artificial turf is very popular. The lightweight material, ease of installation and maintenance, and resistance to all conditions make artificial grass perfect for high traffic surfaces.

So there we have it; perhaps this choice is not suitable for all lifestyles, but these five reasons for artificial grass give an insight as to why it is so popular and convenient for many people.

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Ciara Rafter
Great Grass

Trying not to miss anything whilst also wanting to write everything, but definitely writing something.