The Season of Sport

Ciara Rafter
Great Grass
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2016

It is the season of sport. With the European Championships having taken place in June and July with Portugal scoring the final winning goal, the FA Community Field happening as we speak, the Olympic Games beginning in Rio just last week and the Premier League Championships beginning this week, it’s hard to focus on anything else but sport this summer. As well as this, only last weekend I found myself in a driving range playing (badly) top golf for the first time in my life and I also watched a game of rugby in Cardiff. Sport is everywhere, there’s no denying.

Whether football is your pride and joy, or swimming, gymnastics, cycling or athletics, or any other sport featured in the Olympics, you are guaranteed to find something to support and get passionate about over the month of August.

Sport is firstly about passion; passion for a game, for what it represents and how it makes you feel. For those actually playing the sport and those watching, passion is just as important. Passion for the game, the teammates, or the players, it is easy to see when it’s there.

Secondly, sport is about competition; we all know that a little bit of competition is healthy, as it is often what drives our passion further. Competition represents pride for the team and the sport, and allows each team to bond, whether they win or lose.

Lastly, sport is about coming together. Whether you sit watching the screen in your living room with your family, or are in a pub with friends or even strangers, cheering along together, perhaps an arm thrown around another, all creating the kind of atmosphere that brings everyone together is arguably the most essential part of every sport. As the sounds of sport happen in the background, bonds are growing, smiles are widening, voices are getting louder, and friends are becoming closer.

Even those who don’t consider themselves sports fans, when thrown into the atmosphere of a game is occurring, even the least sporty people can see through the loud crowds and bad smells of beer, because the passion, competition and coming together of everyone outshines these now minimal upsets.

As a supplier of artificial grass, here at Great Grass, we are always up to date with the latest sport competitions. Artificial turf is commonly used for sport pitches, courts and tracks due to a number of reasons. Artificial grass is quick and simple to install, resistant and durable to atmospheric conditions, and easy to maintain, making it ideal for covering high-traffic surfaces. There are different types of commercial artificial grass for sports, so choosing the correct one is extremely important. To discover more about the types of artificial grass for sports as well as why it is useful for sporting activities, read about its perks here.

Which sports are you most excited about this summer? The Olympics, the football, or all of them? This article was brought to you by Great Grass, the UK’s number 1 artificial grass supplier. If you enjoyed this article, please click the ❤ so others can enjoy it too.



Ciara Rafter
Great Grass

Trying not to miss anything whilst also wanting to write everything, but definitely writing something.