“Intruder” by Sheldon Lee Compton

1 min readJan 12, 2017


Pancake lives in a small room that is really servant’s quarters, hammering out stories on his Underwood. The room is attached to a larger house owned by Mr and Mrs Meade, large landowners in Charlottesville. The Meade’s rent out cottages along the golf course where Pancake likes to fish, taking breaks from his writing. His writing and his drinking accompany him through his days, until he pays a visit on the newest tenant.

About the Author

Sheldon Lee Compton is the author of three books, most recently the novel Brown Bottle (Bottom Dog Press, 2016). His stories can be found in WhiskeyPaper, decomP, New World Writing, PANK, Monkeybicycle, DOGZPLOT, and elsewhere. He was cited in Best Small Fictions 2015 and Best Small Fictions 2016.

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