Top Talent Colleagues

Shelby Jones
3 min readMar 21, 2018


Practicing recognition is a powerful culture tool. So, from seasons ago up to just last summer, we’re giving shout-outs to our clients and coworkers that have made a lasting impression on us.

See who made the Top 10 in Season 10.

Candace Nicolls — Senior Director, Snagger Services at Snagajob
We had the great fortune to collaborate with Candace on a values project and we’re still in awe of her leadership. She leaves no to-do list un-smashed and no blocker un-charmed. In her name we praise.

Lev Kushner — Founder of Box Joint Advisors, Partner of Zero Partners
Lev’s super talents for facilitation, strategic writing, and quick wit came as no surprise to Great Monday founder, Josh Levine. The two have known each other since they met as camp counselors at the age of 19, when they both had markedly more hair.

Ally Marie Fisher — Culture Strategist, AMF LLC
A culture kindred-spirit, we’ve employed Ally Marie’s genius for client workshops and culture activation programs. Ally Marie developed a product that just might change the future of work and we can’t wait to share it with our clients.

Tony Gui + Franzi Sessler — Co-Founders, Kreatives
We met these two international superstars in Josh’s brand strategy class and snapped them up as freelancers for Great Monday. Now they’ve taken their awesomeness abroad, with a vision of turning Munich into Silicon Valley.

Yoav Schlesinger — Chief of Staff, Tech and Society Solutions Lab at Omidyar Network
Imagine a person that does a lot of things insanely well…multiply that times 5 and you get Yoav. He’s an amazing client partner, and together we’ve knocked out tons of inspiring work for the Jewish community in San Francisco.

Ciana Wilson — Managing Director, House of Who
We’ve been a fan of Ciana since she was our very first intern, charmed by her sharp Millennial wit paired with demure Victorian sensibilities. Nowadays you can catch her outside conquering the branding world at House Of Who.

Shawn Rosenberger — Principal and Creative Director, Thermostat
Shawn is, like, so great. We searched for a character flaw and, alas, we found none. As one of the kindest people with out-of-this-world talent for visual design, we salute you. We totally envy you, but we salute you.

Mary LaCoste — Namer/Writer/Idea-Comer-Upper-Wither, LORE Naming
Only Mary, our special-ops Namer, could come up with and pitch a name as crazy as Gravy. She served up a smooth, collaborative process and never let us get lost in the sauce. Okay, so… what’s for lunch?

Gary Bernard — Project Manager, Consultant, Great Monday
Gary was our client first, but we worked so well together that now he works for us. We wouldn’t be as organized, financially sound, or as giggly over dad-jokes without him.

Read more about how recognition plays a significant role in your company culture here.



Shelby Jones

Equal parts visual and verbal, Shelby dances between design and strategy at Great Mondays. She's passionate about cereal, fashion, and family.