Did You Try Home Tourism?

When familiar turns into fabulous

Ann Venkataraman
Great New Reads
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2021


Pygmy Pineapple — Image courtesy author

Did you know pineapples grow in bushes, not trees?

I did not! I only found out while visiting the gorgeous fruit hothouse at Longwood Gardens (Pennsylvania) revealing my childhood as a stereotypical city brat. I found this image while scouring some of my old travel photobooks.

As the lockdown seems to extend into infinity (half of 2021 is almost over, sigh!) and travel plans remain curtailed or booked at astronomical prices, here is an easy way to stay safe while exploring the great outdoors!

A new type of travel adventure — Home Tourism!

Look up the tourist spots in your local area and visit them as if you were an out-of-state tourist. Chances are, you have not visited half of them, and severely misjudged the other half!

Like many things in life, we tend to take local tourist spots for granted. Like the nerd-turned-prom queen of romantic comedies, sometimes there are swans hidden within ugly ducklings if only we had deigned to notice!

For example, most folks in my home state of Delaware have never heard about the Winterthur and Nemour mansions, let alone visited these gorgeous…



Ann Venkataraman
Great New Reads

Techie, Manager, Blogger & Mom. I write about Leadership, books, productivity, and how to use them to fast-track your career.